Is it legal to start TPB proxy ?

i have been thinking of starting TPB proxy but i have few questions though.

1) is it legal to start TPB proxy ?
2) can i go to jail for starting/operating TPB proxy ?

how are other guys are doing it ?

1. Depends on your country's laws, but I think having even anything to do with The Pirate Bay, or pirates sites in particular, is not legal.
2. Well, technically yes, but, the way I see it, the worst that can happen is that you'll be warned by a DMCA letter, nothing more.

Anyone's take on this matter?
If you're going to do that then use a VPN, one that is located in a place where nobody cares about laws to do with TPB or anything related like a Proxy.  Just don't use one that is located in either the USA or the UK because those places are the worst on the planet.
Iceland would probably be a good place.

As Ukraine/Belarus (hacker havens).
Not Russia, though. Pootie hates pirates, and even jailed a Tor node operator.
thank you guys,
so domain registrars like godaddy, namecheap, namesilo are no go ?
Try Cloudfare.
TPB has the network admin skills to game Cloudflare to its own ends. I have seen cloudflare blocking my own site due to a few malefactors from its hosting servers. And they certainly have tried to block TPB in the past.

Any decent hosting site in a country that ignores takedown notices should also provide DNS site registration.
Avoid godaddy like the plague it is. Database administration is a nightmare there. A decent mirror would probably require a VPS account, as 'unlimited' shell accounts actually have somewhat stringent limits on things like nodes, and database memory. As well as permissible apps.

Malaysia and Singapore also come to mind as places for helpful hosting sites.....

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