How do you find out about games?
I'm curious about how people here find out about games, especially ones that may not always be very widely known. The reason for this is because I've found many great games such as The Royal Trap, King's Bounty: The Legend, Global Defence Force, Battle Slots, King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame, and such that don't have big marketing forces driving them. This isn't to say that heavily marketed games are automatically crap (Final Fantasy IX, Dragon Age: Origins, Summon Night 5, and F.E.A.R. were all awesome), but that sometimes great games get skipped because people aren't aware of them.

Do you have friends recommend games to you? Do you check out news and reviews (and advertisements, if you're not using Ad-Block) on video game websites? Do you just browse the games section of TPB and try something that catches your interest?
I used word of mouth from other users via (message boards, IRC channels, and ROM sites). Since its inception, the Internet has been a great tool for exposure. The Internet has taken a great responsibility for me when finding games like Tales of Phantasia and Clock Tower in the original versions as SNES ROMS. It's a pity that I would have to use an SNES Emulator to find that some games should have been released earlier in North America than they have. Sad

Then there were gaming magazines that review games that are unreleased and aborted games to the North American public. Electronic Gaming Monthly (i.e. EGM) comes to mind. Nintendo Power and GamePro have nothing on EGM! Smile

EDIT: On top of that, I recently found this one:

EDIT 2: Sorry if I sounded like a cold-hearted, flaming bitch on my first post of this thread. I was looking for my XBOX controller to play Capcom Fighting Evolution on my XBOX Original and didn't put full effort on answering. I hope you understand. Smile

and arcade.


And now Youtube
don't have a lot of time or interest for games, so when i play something it's cause i searched the genre across many websites to find the best game to play. also if something is good enough the hype will spill over to youtube suggested videos.
(Jan 03, 2014, 23:26 pm)RobertX Wrote: I used word of mouth from other users via (message boards, IRC channels, and ROM sites). Since its inception, the Internet has been a great tool for exposure. The Internet has taken a great responsibility for me when finding games like Tales of Phantasia and Clock Tower in the original versions as SNES ROMS. It's a pity that I would have to use an SNES Emulator to find that some games should have been released earlier in North America than they have. Sad

Then there were gaming magazines that review games that are unreleased and aborted games to the North American public. Electronic Gaming Monthly (i.e. EGM) comes to mind. Nintendo Power and GamePro have nothing on EGM! Smile

EDIT: On top of that, I recently found this one:

EDIT 2: Sorry if I sounded like a cold-hearted, flaming bitch on my first post of this thread. I was looking for my XBOX controller to play Capcom Fighting Evolution on my XBOX Original and didn't put full effort on answering. I hope you understand. Smile
Don't worry about it. I had guessed that if this thread got a decent reply, you'd be the first one to do so.

The end-era (late 1995 and after) SFC/SNES games not making it over to North America was quite understandable however disappointing it may have been. Your mention of Tales of Phantasia and Clock Tower did bring up something I wasn't thinking about when I started the thread: the games we miss out on not due to lack of buzz/hype/word-of-mouth/fame/whatever, but because they're in a language we don't comprehend. But as it is for movies and books, it's unavoidable but able to be compensated. If a foreign work has enough popular presence, someone will try to translate it. The games you mentioned are testament to that. It's the stuff that's in a foreign language AND doesn't have recognition that really slips through the cracks. It also reminds me of why I decided to learn Japanese in the first place; instead of lamenting about games I don't get to play in a language I could understand and desperately waiting/praying for fan translations, it was more productive and efficient in the long term to go learn the language. With the language barrier removed, I had an extra channel of upcoming games to look forward to. I also got a huge backlog of new games (15 year old games are still new if you haven't played them yet!) and didn't know where to begin. I spent a lot of time looking up other games made by the developers of games that I enjoyed, tried some of those, found links to other games by other developers, and repeated the process. I think it's similar to reading a Wikipedia article and opening up more articles as you read and later repeating the process on the new articles. And thinking back on that, the process seems to be the same regardless of media or language.

Also, while not as big as EGM, GameFan was another gaming magazine that showcased Japanese games to a North American audience. They also covered anime before it became mainstream in the West and had a store (that I think was an affiliate) that had multi-page ads at the end of the magazine featuring an extensive selection of imported anime, games, wall scrolls, soundtracks, and the like; an amazing feat back in 90's.

Oh, and Capcom Fighting Evolution? That's... an interesting fighting game to be playing these days. ^_^
I look at upcoming releases in my favorite used game store (not GameStop, fuck them), I check out /v/ on 4chan once every couple of weeks because they show me games I never would find by myself,, friends, and when all else fails use Google search.
Well I check and some of my friends also tell me about upcoming games.Like Gta V will be out in February and you know GOOGle is the BoSS.
How well does IGN manage with news of "unsung" games that will not hit the North American audience?

Everyone knows about GTA; it's not exactly news.
the best site ever any news about game n game ratings
Well, I use IGN mostly for game walkthroughs and big news in the video game world. I find the unsung games on /v/. If you lurk there and ignore all the shitposting that comes with 4chan you will learn a lot about unsung games.

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