Floods of false torrents
im getting sick on these assholes that can mass upload and even spoof their seeds to get people to download god knows what. How can this be stopped? putting a limit on uploads or have, as much asĀ  i hate, premium to upload more then , so and so, amount
If you want to report someone, post in the Report Torrents forum.

People download fakes mostly out of ignorance and impatience. Educate yourself so you don't download fakes again. See our FAQ (link is at the top of any forum page) and pay attention to the section on how to spot fakes.
Have you tried not downloading fakes?
nope. im not that stupid. its just annoying.
It's been happening for years, and will continue. It can be stopped but not all that easily, considering the amount of uploads tpb gets, otherwise tpb would have stopped it already. But for the most part, they take them off as soon as they know about them. You just have to be careful what you download. If it has 3000 seeders in 5 minutes, then don't download it. And report it like Spud said.
And you should also be suspicious when bazillions of "posts" of large programs, or whatever, are all 10.08MB in size.....! Sure, Microsoft Office and Windows 10 bundled together is 10.08 MB.

Surely there aren't too many people whose bullshit radar is that faulty, are there? Wink

Yup - it's annoying, but it's a fact of torrent life.
The Report Torrents / Comments forum is there for a reason.
I've been reporting fakes for years. Works a treat.
You report the fakes, help the community.

Thanks! <--- What I say for Helping out.
You can easily stop it, by whitelisting and making sure people dont get hacked. But that's not what TPB stands for (the first bit though, not even we dont want people to get hacked, unless it's NSA or NRA Tongue).

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