Mar 16, 2019, 23:32 pm
Berita tentang meninggalnya Politux sungguh sangat mengejutkan. Semoga dia diterima di sisi Tuhan dan keluarga yang ditinggalkannya diberi ketabahan dan kekuatan. Aku tidak akan pernah melupakan kontribusi Politux di TPB.
Selamat jalan kawanku...
The news about the death of Politux was very shocking. May he be accepted on the side of God and the family he leaves behind is given fortitude and strength. I will never forget the Politux contribution at TPB.
Goodbye my friend...
Selamat jalan kawanku...
The news about the death of Politux was very shocking. May he be accepted on the side of God and the family he leaves behind is given fortitude and strength. I will never forget the Politux contribution at TPB.
Goodbye my friend...