Edit Torrent Description
Sup all, just like the titles says, Edit Torrent Description feature, any plans on its implementation? A no go? Would be useful! Thanks!

Edit: I've searched if there was already another request for this, found nothing, so if i missed the topic, i apologize.
It was disabled a while ago and is probably not coming back.

If you need to make changes to one of your uploads, you can start a thread in account issues, or reply to your thread if you have one there already and request to have a torrent deleted with the hash cleared so you can upload it again.
Roger that!

Bringing the feature back atleast for VIP uploaders would be nice! Smile
(Jan 30, 2014, 09:56 am)gnv64 Wrote: Bringing the feature back atleast for VIP uploaders would be nice! Smile

no if come back then for all of tpb members due to which they don't think we r littles than others
(Jan 30, 2014, 09:56 am)gnv64 Wrote: Bringing the feature back atleast for VIP uploaders would be nice! Smile

The feature was removed because hackers (of tpb accounts) were using this feature to delete torrents of the hacked user.
As it concerned also VIP/Trusted users, this feature was deactivated in order to prevent this misbehaving that could kill very important torrents.

So it's unlikely that we'il see it again one day.
That is a most surprising theory I have heard! Huh
Is it really true?
I upload to many other sites too, but they don't seem to have any such problem!

Quote:The feature was removed because hackers (of tpb accounts) were using this feature to delete torrents of the hacked user.
As it concerned also VIP/Trusted users, this feature was deactivated in order to prevent this misbehaving that could kill very important torrents.

So it's unlikely that we'il see it again one day.
True? I don't know. Most things you hear from TPB are flippant. Variations on the truth at best, outright lies in many cases. Why? It's funny; nobody needs to know; and it keeps information out of the hands of those who would abuse it.

Plausible? Sure. TPB is by far the most popular torrent site in the world and many other sites take automated feeds from TPB. That means TPB receives far far more "attention" from hackers, scammers and spammers than any other site you frequent. TPB is also the most banned website in the world, which means a much higher proportion of TPB users connect via proxies, which are perfectly placed for trapping usernames and passwords.

Relevant? Not really. The plain, simple and readily observable and verfiable facts are that editing and deleting have been disabled for years [about 3, I'd guesstimate]. Whatever the reason is, there is no sign that the current state of affairs is going to change.
OK, now I get the point!

Quote:TPB is also the most banned website in the world, which means a much higher proportion of TPB users connect via proxies, which are perfectly placed for trapping usernames and passwords.
Perhaps this idea is already posted,but because I am relatively new here,I could not find this subject through a Search. I ask that Uploaders be able to Edit the upload. Often times the bayimg is down, or our own internet connection isnt working as good as it should. IF I could Edit, then I could add Images to my uploads that need them. Also, Sometimes there are mistakes in spelling,or entire paragraphs that get left out oft the descriptions,due to loss of connection.

kjf edited Aug 18, 2014 22:31 pm this post because:

Don't know how your search missed this one...



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