Does anyone else think that Rifftrax are past their sell by date?
I have not had a good laugh with a riff for well over a year. Also the 'joke' frequency has reduced.
It's wearing a bit thin, yeah, I have to admit. Seems like the pace of releases has slowed, which I think is a good thing. Quantity over quality and all that. As some others have noted, the last few live shows weren't real wowzers either. Feels like they've started just going through the motions the past couple years.

I do love that Bridget and Mary Jo are doing their own thing with and breathing some new life into it though.

I think it might be kind of cool if they brought in some guest riffers. Weird Al appeared in Jurassic Park and I thought he was good. And everyone loves Paul F. Tompkins when he does the live shows, but he's never done of of the regular ones. I think it would be pretty fun if it was 2/3 of the boys, each of the three doing the ones that appeal to them most, with the third person being part of a rotating cast of people (Bridget, Mary Jo, Janet Varney, Cole Stratton, Weird Al, Paul F. Tompkins, etc).

I also enjoyed the "90s Cyber Thrillers" thing they did, I think they could do more things like that to liven things up. That kind of content would play well on youtube too (we see vaguely similar things going in with stuff like The Nostalgia Critic) and could expand their base of fans.
Yeah, I kinda feel that way. There's a lot of revolving jokes that should be put out to pasture,e.g. Golden Corral, Nick Nolte, etc. I feel that not only they should rotate riffers and guests but also get different writers for different riffs.
Not for me. There have been riffs from the past year that have made me laugh as much as anything they've done in the past.
I would like to see more Matthew & Ian ... also they should do a mega-guest riffing of Justice League or The Avengers recent movies. Even the Harry Potter series could be revamped with Matt & Ian, the Girls, and such. I have noticed that since Bill & Kevin don't write as much the quality has gone down hill. It's almost like the big name writers having "ghost writers" now ... it's sad but true.
You remind me of the people who say "I've been playing WoW for 15 years and it's getting boring."

Just watch something else for awhile, and come back to Rifftrax later when it'll feel new.

Go watch the entire Red Dwarf series. It won't take as long as you think.

We'll still be here when you get back.
(Oct 05, 2019, 18:39 pm)RealPaigeWWE Wrote: You remind me of the people who say "I've been playing WoW for 15 years and it's getting boring." 

Just watch something else for awhile, and come back to Rifftrax later when it'll feel new.

i disagree. the old ones are funnier, plain and simple. i would genuinely be more entertained by watching the riff of X-Men_3 for the 100th time than watching Million Eyes Of Sumuru for even just a 2nd time, and i'm pretty sure the reason is what DarkPrince said: Bill and Kevin used to be much more involved in the writing. If you go to the rifftrax site and look at individual releases, you will see that at a certain point they started crediting the writers, and before they didn't at all; if others have another explanation then let's hear it, but i interpret that as it used to be MKB doing most if not all of the writing, and now it's just Mike with help from the company staff, and bless their little hearts for trying but they are all greenhorns, MKB produce results because they've been doing it for half their lives. i am sympathetic to the idea that it's no easy task to be "on" all the time and make ppl ROFL with an every-friday frequency, but it ends there. Million Eyes Of Sumuru will never "feel new" if i return to it later, it'll still just be not-funny. there's one writer in particular, i of course don't know specifically who it is but i can tell it's his/her jokes when i hear them, and they need to just straight-up fire that exceptionally unfunny person.
I wouldn't say they're greenhorns. Conor has been there since the beginning (and is the voice of Disembaudio) and Sean came on pretty early as well. It's just that it used to be Mike, Kevin, and Bill with a few jokes here and there from Conor and Sean to just Mike, Sean, and Conor with a few jokes from other writers. Not sure what's going on, but it's a pretty small writing staff to begin with and, like with MST3K, there's a point of fatigue where there needs to be some changes to keep things interesting. Obviously they're not really getting that right now. Though, aside from the live shows, I haven't really watched Rifftrax in several years. I've been too busy to dedicate the time to it and I feel like, for whatever reason, I have to watch it in chronological order.
I think, at a certain point, the concept just reaches a natural conclusion. I was watching "Day of the Animals" the other day, and one of Bill's lines was just an observation: "This is them taking a break. It's indistinguishable from them not taking a break". Well, that's just a variation on the "rest period" line from "Planet of the Dinosaurs". All these crappy movies tend to have one thing in common: they are fairly formulaic. You can't really expect to make laugh out loud funny moments from the same scenes over and over again. As Brain Guy said: "As a wise old Observer once said, to constantly repeat the same action and expect a variant reaction is surely a sign of madness."
(Oct 05, 2019, 19:55 pm)enyalep Wrote:
(Oct 05, 2019, 18:39 pm)RealPaigeWWE Wrote: You remind me of the people who say "I've been playing WoW for 15 years and it's getting boring." 

Just watch something else for awhile, and come back to Rifftrax later when it'll feel new.

i disagree. the old ones are funnier, plain and simple. i would genuinely be more entertained by watching the riff of X-Men_3 for the 100th time than watching Million Eyes Of Sumuru for even just a 2nd time, and i'm pretty sure the reason is what DarkPrince said: Bill and Kevin used to be much more involved in the writing. If you go to the rifftrax site and look at individual releases, you will see that at a certain point they started crediting the writers, and before they didn't at all; if others have another explanation then let's hear it, but i interpret that as it used to be MKB doing most if not all of the writing, and now it's just Mike with help from the company staff, and bless their little hearts for trying but they are all greenhorns, MKB produce results because they've been doing it for half their lives. i am sympathetic to the idea that it's no easy task to be "on" all the time and make ppl ROFL with an every-friday frequency, but it ends there. Million Eyes Of Sumuru will never "feel new" if i return to it later, it'll still just be not-funny. there's one writer in particular, i of course don't know specifically who it is but i can tell it's his/her jokes when i hear them, and they need to just straight-up fire that exceptionally unfunny person.
You are perfectly welcome to disagree, as long as  you accept that in life, just because you and someone else don't agree on something, it won't automatically mean that they are wrong, and you are right. 

It's something people used to know, but then forgot.

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