Danny's Dental Date
Lots of people are afraid of the dentist. Perhaps it’s because they have seen Danny’s Dental Date, a short film that tries to assure kids that the going to the dentist was nothing to worry about and instead makes the entire experience seem like an unspeakable eldritch horror, but with fluoride.

First of all, there’s puppets. The puppets are so scared of the dentist that they flee into the woods, which, once you discover that the puppets have puppet teeth, you may want to do too. Then the puppet turns into a real boy and decides to face his fear, but not before the short stops for a couple minutes for a Parade of Vegetables. Many shorts could use a Parade of Vegetables, we feel one would really have taken Setting Up A Room to the next level.

Strap in because this dentist doesn’t wear gloves or wash his hands. But don’t worry, he also uses his tools to carve things into his body in order to show off how safe they are. To answer the question of another famous dentist: Is it safe? NO! It definitely is not! Run, Danny!! Again!!

Be like Danny and make a Date with Dental! Mike, Kevin, and Bill promise not to wash their hands either.

HD Medium 720p (307.94 MB)

Thank you.
Appreciate it!
Thanks alot
Thanks peephalk.
Greatly appreciated, thank you! PS - hate the dentist!
Thanks peephalk!
That should come with a bottle of medical grade nitrous oxide included.

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