Hi to all,
just wondering, after i D/L something and i try to post a thank you 99% of the time i keep getting Data Base error, is this the normal or is the site still updating itself.Or is the error on my side of things. Blush
Many Thanks If You Reply.

HuhBig GrinCool
If you're using a proxy, it's not safe to log in and post comments, for that you'll need to get a VPN.
(Jun 22, 2014, 03:19 am)Spud17 Wrote: If you're using a proxy, it's not safe to log in and post comments, for that you'll need to get a VPN.
Morning Spud17,
Thanks for your reply on my problem.however the Tec stuff has me beat i'm afraid. Proxy not sure about or Vpn Either. this is my search box of the site. Piratebrowser ( TOR).
not much help from me i'm afraid. Any Help Or Further Advice would be Grateful. ( 66 year old pensioner.) Thank You
CATRIX02 BlushBlushBlush
PirateBrowser is good for browsing, but isn't suitable for use in accessing your account to log in, so if you're considering a VPN, start here:

Proxies have nothing to with TPB and are really only good for browsing the site, so a VPN is the only way to remain anonymous.
[quote='Spud17' pid='58994' dateline='1403423628']
PirateBrowser is good for browsing, but isn't suitable for use in accessing your account to log in, so if you're considering a VPN, start here:

Proxies have nothing to with TPB and are really only good for browsing the site, so a VPN is the only way to remain anonymous.

Thank You SPUD 17, Will read and see what i can make of it all.
Some More Screens that looked at.
he one on the left i clicked on new identity to see if that helps Last Message i got.
Have to go just now so thank you once again.
will let you how i get on.
You CANNOT use PirateBrowser or Vidalia or Tor to post comments on TPB.

They are blocked.

That is why you are getting the database error messages.

There is nothing that you or anyone here can do about that.

Either stop using them, and pay for a VPN so that you can comment, or continue using them for free and accept that you will not be able to comment.
(Jun 22, 2014, 07:33 am)NIK Wrote: pay for a VPN so that you can comment

There's a lot of talk of vpn's up in this thread.
Trust me, paying for a vpn doesn't necessarily allow you to comment.
Asshats use vpns as well and get them banned.
Cash does not necessarily equal win.
Yes, paid VPNs do get banned.

But, they're banned less often than free vpn's/proxies/whatever; because asshats prefer to abuse free services rather than ones they have to pay for.

And they're unbanned more often; because mods can see that the majority of users of a given IP are not banned, and because more legitimate users are affected by such bans so squeals arise more rapidly.

While cash does not necessarily equal win, using PirateBrowser to comment does almost always equal lose (as Catrix02 has discovered).
What is the point of banning ips? Ip doesn't equal a person. Why not just delete the comments/torrents from people who don't follow the rules.
Because that same person is still using the same IP and without the ban can continue to register new accounts and upload new garbage and comments.

There are also many IPs that are TOR exit nodes or proxies that are continually abused. Obviously leaving those unbanned will be nothing but trouble.

Until a better system comes along, banning IP addresses is the only way to block the flood.

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