Books for Blender
I have not yet ventured into rendering but from what little I understand, it is based more on vector than bitmapped graphics.

Typical jpg, png are bitmapped (as opposed to vector). So a normal photo, which is 'shaded' anyway would probably not be very useful.
Which is why I suggested going to the 'samples' directory. It should provide the base files from where you can see the file types required.

This *might* just be for output.
I'm pretty sure the only pre-made images you need for rendering are textures. You build your models like 3d vector stick/blockmen in the program, then you clothe their various parts with 2d textures, set up lighting and camera etc
Another thought, FWIW:
Check out DAZ3D. Its been around longer than Blender, and there is an entire ecosystem, as well as a forum here dedicated to it.

Blender strikes me a a latest 'pop' thing, whose main intent is to draw you into renting their cloud, where you can probably render from a cell phone. It doesnt fire up on my machine, but perhaps someday I will look at it on the main machine, as the lil lady might be getting into 3D someday.
I do have a qualified video card that should work with it.
Its still sitting in its box.
OK, what kind of mathematical knowledge do I need to keep hand to do rendering with any rendering tool?

The reason for my last few questions is due to the fact that I saw the DVD extras of Game of Thrones. The extras contain renderings of the dragons and how that they already had pre-built specimens of a dragon's head. Then they just used that for rendering with a computer tool.

It's been the last time I drew anything on paper, and I have really have no plans to render any project but I do want to use and learn Blender. Blender installs correctly, but I don't have any rendering background. I wish I made more specific plans in electing courses back in high school. For shame.
With 3D it wouldnt be so much math as optics. The proper placement of shadow in relation to a light source.

However, any decent software *should* do that for you.

Personally, before doing 3D I would brush up on fractal theory, Autodesk Cad to get the basics of meshes and frames, and grab some Photoshop and art tutorials to get the basics of design and color.

There are plenty of videos for these at the Bay.

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