Blood Shed 2014
Can someone upload the right movie. I seen American Weapon already, and the ones called Blood Shed are actually a total different movie than Blood Shed, which is American Weapon with all different actors and different plot. These guys with green skulls do not read their posts. I wanted to see Blood Shed not American Weapon. Why don't they upload the right movie? What is wrong with them? I wonder how many uploads they have this way. Uploaders are Drarbg, BOZX, Millenium, YIFY, Excess, TVteam, and they either copied each others upload or just don't watch the movies first or research before uploading. It is obvious, because a few of them uploaded American Weapon as that title (American Weapon). So I do not get why they don't upload the actual Blood Shed movie.AngryDodgyRolleyes

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