{B4tman} Adobe Premiere 2020
Tried looking for Adobe Premiere 2020 yesterday
Since thepiratebay.org is blocked in my country, I used (what i hope are) mirror sites:

with only the pirate-bays.net showing users with skulls, so i went with that one (don't know about the others, users don't match the sites).
I downloaded this one: https://pirate-bays.net/search?q=adobe+premiere (the 2020 pre-activated one from B4tman)

Now, i've seen Batman appear in some these threads somewhere(looking like a trustworthy individual  Tongue ), but scanning on virustotal still gave a detection of:
(dont fully remember but) trojan.something with a keygen.
Some say this detection is a false positive, others say it is indeed malware.

Can someone explain this detection? is it truly a False-pos and why? also: how can i check if i am on true mirror sites?
Proxies and mirrors have absolutely nothing to do with the real pirate bay, and some are known to display pages of fakes for weeks and months after being banned from the official TPB site. That first link you posted is all fakes that were uploaded over 2 months ago. You should avoid that particular mirror site like the plague, and then give our FAQ a read so you can learn how to spot fakes.

Use the real TPB site, and if it's blocked in your country, buy a VPN. The official TPB domains are shown at the bottom of every forum page.
Thanks for the quick reply:
1) http://piratebayztemzmv.onion/ and http://piratebayo3klnzokct3wt5yyxb2vpebb...oid.onion/ both give DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN errors. Is this also a location thing?
2) what about the second link, with users like B4tman (which i also saw on this platform). Is this also fake?
3) would built in VPN (like in opera browser) do the job? which vpn would you advise?
Those are onion addresses. You need to be using the tor browser to access those. Use the clearnet address (shown at the bottom of every forum page) if you don't have tor.

I didn't say the link was fake. I said the fakers displayed on its pages are fake. By all means browse using a proxy, but find a clean one that isn't full of malware.

I don't endorse any particular VPN. Shop around/do some reading/researching and see what's best for you. See the 'Which VPN Providers Take Anonymity Seriously?' thread in the Online Privacy & Censorship Busting forum.
Hi of course you can trust me I have been around for a long time Big Grin plus let me tell you getting a skull is like the most difficult thing in torrent world plus I do uploading for fun and to help people and not earn from it so yep you can trust me alright Tongue.
And well on the issue, looks like you are using proxies which can't be trusted always as spud said. You have to use the official domain or onion address (I prefer original domain) And always look for pink skull while downloading under my name as there are lot's of fakers active on daily basis. So always check my official name Ali-TPB before downloading. Here is the link of the torrent under official domain of PirateBay.

Official domain is thepiratebay.org

Plus here is VirusTotal scan result. You see 2 detection because those AV's marked the file as false positive. Now it's a vast topic so in short it's not the quantity it's quality. Always see major names like Kaspersky and Bitdefender see what their results are. And even if you get above 50% detection rate overall. If these AV's are quiet that means it's a false positive. Anyways as in this case it's totally safe so hope you can fix your issue now.


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