PAL and NTSC are two different video standards, the former being European, and the latter being American. NTSC has a higher frame rate than pal (29fps compared to 25fps) but PAL has an increased resolution and generally gives sharper picture.

MP3 Releases -

Radio: Audio from radio material

WEB: Audio downloaded from an online music store

VLS: Vinyl Single (1-2 tracks)

EP: Vinyl Maxi-single (2-5 tracks)

LP: Vinyl Full-length Album

CDS: CD Single (1-2 tracks)

Mixtape: individually selected songs on one disc/tape(usually songs made,produce, and distribution done by artist) (10-25 tracks)

CDM: CD Maxi-single (2-5 tracks)

CDR: CD-Recordable (CD-R)

DVD: Audio from a DVD. Often cabaret shows or concert/music dvd's.

DVDA: Audio tracks which come on a DVD as a bonus. The DVDA part can't be played by normal DVD players.

MD: Audio from a MiniDisk

TAPE: Music from a tape

Promo: Promotional

XX: Imported

RETAiL: Retail

Liveset: A record of a DJ mixing live. Mostly recorded using:
- DAB: Digital Audio Broadcasting is a system used to broadcast radio programmes.
- SAT: Music broadcasted via satellite channels.
- CABLE: Music broadcasted by radio channels via cable radio.

Bootleg: Illegally recorded and pressed record. Often live recordings, sometimes studio out-takes. The name comes from people who hid a microphone in their boots.

Labelcode/Catnumber:This is a code which is like a unique code for every music cd/vinyl/etc. The code isn't just some number, but it contains values which are recognisable. For example: Catnumber: WNRD2371 is a cd from WieNerwoRlD Ltd.

Clean: The music is censored. Generally sexual or violent words, which are replaced by 'bleeps' or stripped.

Explicit: The music is not censored.

Software -

AIO: AIO stands for All-In-One, meaning an all-in-one software pack. For example: Microsoft Office, which contains Word, Frontpage, Publisher, Access etc.

RTM: RTM means Release To Manufacturing. This release is leaked before it's available in stores. A RTM version of a software title is the final retail version, the one that you will be seeing in stores.

VLM: VLM stands for Volume License Key. This means that the cracked application is already licensed, and therefore doesn't require an activation after installation.

Crack Type: For example crack or keygen.

Machine: On what machine is it compatible, such as Nokia phones, PDA etc.

OS: With which operation system is it compatible. For example Windows, Mac etc.

PlayStation -

PS2: A copy of a Playstation 2 game released to CD.

PS2DVD: A copy of a Playstation 2 game released to DVD.

MULTi3 / MULTi4 / MULTi5 etc: This means the release contains multiple languages. The number at the end indicated the number of languages.

PlayStation Portable -

UMDRip: This applies only to Playstation Portable (PSP) games, and it means that some stuff was ripped from the original game because it was not required or was ripped to save space. For example languages or movie files.

UMDMovie: The Playstation Portable (PSP) is also capable of playing movies. Though a PSP can't playback DVD's or CD's, only UMD discs. So movies for the PSP get released on UMD discs.

PSXPSP: This is a PSX (Playstation 1) game playable on a PSP (Playstation Portable) using custom PSP firmware.

USA, JAP, EUR: Especially PSP releases, but also other console releases, are sometimes tagged as USA, JAP and EUR. These are alternative regions, and they replace PAL and NTSC. USA are off course the United States of America, JAP is Japan and EUR is Europe.

256MS, 512MS, 1GB and 2GB: These tags only apply to PSP releases, and they show the required size of an UMD disc. UMD discs can contain up to 2 gigabytes. When a game is 100mb it fits on every UMD disc, but when a game is 900mb it will only fit on 1GB and higher UMD discs.


The movies are all supplied in RAR form, whether its v2 (rar>.rxx) or v3 (part01.rar > partxx.rar) form.

VCD and SVCD films will extract to give a BIN/CUE. Load the .CUE into notepad and make sure the first line contains only a filename, and no path information. Then load the cue into Nero/CDRWin etc and this will burn the VCD/SVCD correctly. TV rips are released as MPEG. DivX files are just the plain DivX - .AVI

An NFO file is supplied with each movie to promote the group, and give general iNFOrmation about the release, such as format, source, size, and any notes that may be of use. They are also used to recruit members and acquire hardware for the group.

Also supplied for each disc is an SFV file. These are mainly used on site level to check each file has been uploaded correctly, but are also handy for people downloading to check they have all the files, and the CRC is correct. A program such as pdSFV or hkSFV is required to use these files.


The proper tag is to indicate that the show has been released before by a different release group, but that this release is of higher quality, or fixes certain flaws in the previous release (such as out of sync issues.) A reason for the PROPER should always be included in the NFO. When a group 'propers' a PROPER, it is tagged as REAL.PROPER.

A limited movie means it has had a limited theater run, generally opening in less than 250 theaters, generally smaller films (such as art house films) are released as limited.

An internal release is done for several reasons. Classic DVD groups do a lot of INTERNAL releases, as they wont be dupe'd on it. Also lower quality theater rips are done INTERNAL so not to lower the reputation of the group, or due to the amount of rips done already. An INTERNAL release is available as normal on the groups affiliate sites, but they can't be traded to other sites without request from the site ops. Some INTERNAL releases still trickle down to IRC/Newsgroups, it usually depends on the title and the popularity. Some years ago people referred to Centropy going "internal". This meant the group was only releasing the movies to their members and site ops. This is in a different context to the usual definition.

Stands for straight-to-video (also known as made-for-video, direct-to-video, or straight-to-DVD). A film that is released straight-to-video is one which has been released to the public on home video formats before or without being released in movie theaters or broadcast on television. Most sites do not allow this.

This is a variation of STV/LiMiTED. A FESTiVAL is a movie which hasn't been shown in a public theater, but has been shown on a film festival (such as Cannes Film Festival).

SE (Special Edition) -
Like the name suggests, it is a special DVD edition of a movie. Often special editions contain extra material like deleted scenes, interviews, or a making-of.

DC (Director's Cut) -
A director's cut is a specially edited version of a movie that is supposed to represent the director's own approved edit of the movie. It is often released some time after the original release of the film, where the original release was released in a version different from the director's approved edit.

DL (Dual Language) -
Contains more than one language. Synonym: ML.

FS / WS (A.K.A. Aspect Ratio Tags -
FS stands for FullScreen and WS stands for WideScreen (letterbox).

The language of the movie and the language of the subtitles can also be mentioned in the release name. Sometimes the language is fully mentioned in the release name, such as DUTCH, NORDiC, GERMAN and iTALiAN. Sometimes it's shortened, then the ISO standard country abbreviations are used. These are the same as the abbreviations which are used for www-domains, for example: NL (Dutch), NO (Nordic), DE (Germany), IT (Italian). For the full list of country abbreviations, click here. When there are multiple languages or subtitles, MULTi or MULTiSUBS is mentioned. In general, when the language is fully mentioned in the releasename, this is the movie language. The abbrivation usually means the subtitle(s). So DUTCH will mean that the language is Dutch, and NL will mean that the menu/subtitle is Dutch.

Sometimes movies are released again on DVD because now the movie is extended. They have put back deleted scenes. For example, E.T. was produced first in 1982 and years later it was brought on DVD again, but now digitally remastered and extended.

Digitally remastered means that an older, not-digital movie has been re-edited, remastered and is released on DVD. Some really old movies look very bad compared to the new digital movies. When remastered, they make it look better by editing and recoloring the video, etc. Remastering generally implies some sort of upgrade to a previous existing product, frequently designed to encourage people to buy a new version of something they already own.

Rated means a movie is censored, unrated logically means uncensored. The unrated usually features more footage then a rated version, it could range from mere seconds to a few minutes.

A recode is a previously released version of a movie, usually filtered through TMPGenc to remove subtitles, fix color etc. Whilst they can look better, its not looked upon highly as groups are expected to obtain their own sources.

R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 (A.K.A. Region Code) -
A dvd is released in a certain geographical area, or region and it's not viewable on a dvd player outside of that region. This was designed to stop people buying American dvd's and watching them earlier in other countries, or for older films where world distribution is handled by different companies.
The regions are:

Region 1 - U.S., Canada, U.S. Territories

Region 2 - Japan, Europe, South Africa, and Middle East (including Egypt)

Region 3 - Southeast Asia and East Asia (including Hong Kong)

Region 4 - Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean

Region 5 - Eastern Europe (Former Soviet Union), Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia

Region 6 - Peoples Republic of China

If a group releases a bad rip, they can release a REPACK. A REPACK is a fixed version of the original release. It's similar to PROPER but done by the same group. Note that a Repack is different from a fix. A fix will repair the original release whereas a repack is a new release.

A previous rip was bad, now it's ripped again properly. Similar to REPACK.

If a release is tagged SUBBED, it usually means it has hard encoded subtitles burned throughout the rip.

When something has been release subbed before, an unsubbed release may be released.

A release can also be custom subbed. Movies often are released earlier in the USA than in Europe. These movies mostly contain a few subtitles, the ones that are spoken in the USA. European groups can create custom subtitles and add these to the dvd(rip). For example, when Dutch subtitles were added to a NTSC DVDr: Madagascar.2005.Custom.NL.Subbed.NTSC.DVDr-Group. Off course, it's not just European, Japanese movies can also be subbed english for example.

If a film is dubbed, it is a special version where the actors' voices are in another language. Dubbed versions of English-language films are for people who don't understand English very well. In some countries, dubbing is very common, for example Germany.

When something important is mentioned in the NFO, or as a replacement for the PROPER tag, READNFO can be added to the release name.

Dupe is quite simple, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason.

A film can be nuked for various reasons. Individual sites will nuke for breaking their rules (such as "No Telesyncs" ) but if the film has something extremely wrong with it (no soundtrack for 20mins, CD2 is incorrect film/game etc) then a global nuke will occur, and people trading it across sites will lose their credits. Nuked films can still reach other sources such as p2p/usenet, but its a good idea to check why it was nuked in the first place. If there's something wrong with a group release, they can request a nuke.

NUKE REASONS - this is a list of common reasons a film can be nuked for

BAD A/R = bad aspect ratio, i.e people appear too fat/thin

BAD IVTC = bad inverse telecine. Process of converting framerates was incorrect.

INTERLACED = black lines on movement as the field order is incorrect.

OUT OF SYNC = video and audio do not synchronize.

Always desire to learn something useful.

Credit for this tutorial goes to Sour Diesel !
Thanks for the tutorial. I have a question.

As you know, PAL and NTSC have essentially faded into history, having been replaced by digital TV. Are there different formats for that too? For example, would a European HDTV work in the USA, or vice versa?

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