Jun 13, 2017, 11:46 am
Hello, I am Orthopaedics surgeon and during this last 5 years i downloaded many and many books about my speciality. I think it is the biggest collection ever made. Knowledge is the most important thing we can share ! Medical books are very expensive (100usd to 800usd) and doctor are not very rich today...
I can't register on tpb (i don't know why...). I furnish the torrent file and all books are on my SeedBox. So if someone can upload the torrent on TPB...
For the description i would lit this :
"Here are the biggest collection about Orthopaedic Surgery. In english and in french. Share your knowledge !
Ebook-list / Liste des livres :
>English Book
-Anatomy A Regional Atlas of the Human Body 6th 2011
-BRS Gross Anatomy 7th Edition
-Color Atlas and TextbookOf Human Anatomy Vol 3 5th Ed. [Werner_Kahle,_Michael_Frotscher]
-Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Vol 1 [Werner_Platzer]
-Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 2 [H.Fritsch,W.Kuehnel]
-Coloring Atlas of the Human Body
-Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards - Third Edition [2015]
-Grays Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body
-Moore - Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Ed
-Musculoskeletal Assessment - Joint Motion and Muscle Testing (3rd Ed.)
-Netter's Atlas Of Human Anatomy (5th Ed.)
-Grant's Dissector 15th Ed.
-Orthopedic Surgical Approaches
-Surgical Anatomy and Technique A Pocket Manual, 4E (2014)
-Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics - The Anatomic Approach (Hoppenfeld, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics) 4E (2009)
-Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics,4th ed,2009
-AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 2009
-Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma 2008
-Efort Syllabus14_final
-Essential Orthopedics [PDF]
-Essential Orthopedics and Trauma 5th Ed
-Essentials of Orthopedics, 2E (2014)
-Fracture Management for Primary Care, 3E (2012)
-Operative Orthopedics of the Upper Extremity (McGraw Hill)
-Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (2011) [PDF]
-Orthopaedic Clinical Examination An Evidence Based Approach for Physical Therapists, 1st ed, 2005,
-Orthopedic Physical Assessment 5th Ed
-Pocket Orthopaedics Evidence Based Survival Guide 2010
-Textbook of Orthopedics and Trauma (4 Vol Set), 2E (2008)
>>>Campbell's orthopaedics
-CAMPBELL’S Operative Orthopaedics 12th
-Frederick Azar - Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 13 Edition - 2017
>>>Millers Orthopaedics
-Miller__Review_of_Orthopaedics 4th
-Millers Review of Orthopaedics -7E
-Review of Orthopaedics_miller_6th
-AO Principles of Fracture Management 2000
-Arthritis and Arthroplasty The Knee 2009
-Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery A Practical Guide to Anatomy and Techniques 2009
-MRI for Orthopedic Surgeons
-orthopaedics pathology 5th edition
-Shoulder Instability 2011
-Shoulder Surgery Principles and Procedures 2004
-Surgery of Spinal Tumors 2007
-Techniques in Cartilage Repair Surgery, (2014)
>Livres en Francais
-Chirurgie orthopédique - Principes et Généralités
-Classifications et scores en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique V1
-Classifications et scores en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique V2
-Guide pratique de traumatologie (Le Barsotti)
-Le Maillon Faible - Fiche Pratique
-Manuel pratique de chirurgie orthopédique
-Orthopédie-Traumatologie VG 6ème Edition 2010
-Petit guide de traumatologie
-Sémiologie Chirurgicale -Boutelier- 6e Edition -
>>Le manuel du résident
-Le Manuel Du Resident - Appareil Locomoteur
-Le Manuel Du Resident - Techniques Chirurgicales Orthopédie-Traumatologie
-Chirurgie du pied et de la cheville en ambulatoire
-La gonarthrose Traitement chirurgical de l’arthroscopie à la prothèse
-Ligatures et sutures chirurgicales - Techniques chirurgicales - Springer 2011 -
-Pathologie du pied et de la cheville (2e édition)
-Reprise des prothèses de hanche SOFCOT
>>Voie d'abord
-Manuel des voies d'abord en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique
-Masson - Voies d'abord chirurgicales MI
-Masson - Voies d'abord chirurgicales MS
Uploaded by The Unknown Surgeon"
I can't register on tpb (i don't know why...). I furnish the torrent file and all books are on my SeedBox. So if someone can upload the torrent on TPB...
For the description i would lit this :
"Here are the biggest collection about Orthopaedic Surgery. In english and in french. Share your knowledge !
Ebook-list / Liste des livres :
>English Book
-Anatomy A Regional Atlas of the Human Body 6th 2011
-BRS Gross Anatomy 7th Edition
-Color Atlas and TextbookOf Human Anatomy Vol 3 5th Ed. [Werner_Kahle,_Michael_Frotscher]
-Color Atlas and Textbook of Human Vol 1 [Werner_Platzer]
-Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 2 [H.Fritsch,W.Kuehnel]
-Coloring Atlas of the Human Body
-Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards - Third Edition [2015]
-Grays Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body
-Moore - Clinically Oriented Anatomy 7th Ed
-Musculoskeletal Assessment - Joint Motion and Muscle Testing (3rd Ed.)
-Netter's Atlas Of Human Anatomy (5th Ed.)
-Grant's Dissector 15th Ed.
-Orthopedic Surgical Approaches
-Surgical Anatomy and Technique A Pocket Manual, 4E (2014)
-Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics - The Anatomic Approach (Hoppenfeld, Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics) 4E (2009)
-Surgical Exposures in Orthopaedics,4th ed,2009
-AAOS Comprehensive Orthopaedic Review 2009
-Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma 2008
-Efort Syllabus14_final
-Essential Orthopedics [PDF]
-Essential Orthopedics and Trauma 5th Ed
-Essentials of Orthopedics, 2E (2014)
-Fracture Management for Primary Care, 3E (2012)
-Operative Orthopedics of the Upper Extremity (McGraw Hill)
-Operative Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery (2011) [PDF]
-Orthopaedic Clinical Examination An Evidence Based Approach for Physical Therapists, 1st ed, 2005,
-Orthopedic Physical Assessment 5th Ed
-Pocket Orthopaedics Evidence Based Survival Guide 2010
-Textbook of Orthopedics and Trauma (4 Vol Set), 2E (2008)
>>>Campbell's orthopaedics
-CAMPBELL’S Operative Orthopaedics 12th
-Frederick Azar - Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics, 13 Edition - 2017
>>>Millers Orthopaedics
-Miller__Review_of_Orthopaedics 4th
-Millers Review of Orthopaedics -7E
-Review of Orthopaedics_miller_6th
-AO Principles of Fracture Management 2000
-Arthritis and Arthroplasty The Knee 2009
-Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery A Practical Guide to Anatomy and Techniques 2009
-MRI for Orthopedic Surgeons
-orthopaedics pathology 5th edition
-Shoulder Instability 2011
-Shoulder Surgery Principles and Procedures 2004
-Surgery of Spinal Tumors 2007
-Techniques in Cartilage Repair Surgery, (2014)
>Livres en Francais
-Chirurgie orthopédique - Principes et Généralités
-Classifications et scores en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique V1
-Classifications et scores en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique V2
-Guide pratique de traumatologie (Le Barsotti)
-Le Maillon Faible - Fiche Pratique
-Manuel pratique de chirurgie orthopédique
-Orthopédie-Traumatologie VG 6ème Edition 2010
-Petit guide de traumatologie
-Sémiologie Chirurgicale -Boutelier- 6e Edition -
>>Le manuel du résident
-Le Manuel Du Resident - Appareil Locomoteur
-Le Manuel Du Resident - Techniques Chirurgicales Orthopédie-Traumatologie
-Chirurgie du pied et de la cheville en ambulatoire
-La gonarthrose Traitement chirurgical de l’arthroscopie à la prothèse
-Ligatures et sutures chirurgicales - Techniques chirurgicales - Springer 2011 -
-Pathologie du pied et de la cheville (2e édition)
-Reprise des prothèses de hanche SOFCOT
>>Voie d'abord
-Manuel des voies d'abord en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique
-Masson - Voies d'abord chirurgicales MI
-Masson - Voies d'abord chirurgicales MS
Uploaded by The Unknown Surgeon"