Jun 05, 2014, 14:11 pm
Queen's Speech: Hackers who risk lives by attacking food, energy and police computer networks face life in prison
Quote: Computer hackers who threaten British national security face life imprisonment under plans unveiled today.
Malicious hackers who risk triggering deadly civil unrest by cutting off food distribution, telephone networks or energy supplies by sabotaging computer networks could be sentenced to life in prison, under measures introduced in the Queen’s Speech.
The Computer Misuse Act will be amended to include a new aggrevated offence of unauthorised access to a computer. The existing offence of impairing a computer only carries a maximum sentence of 10 years’ imprisonment.
Ministers believe that punishment does not reflect the potential damage to the economy and the risk to human life posed by a devastating attack by internet terrorists, or a lone hacker working from their bedroom.
The threat has grown as businesses and government become more reliant on interconnected computer networks, making attacks with "serious consequences" more likely. .....................