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I have downloaded a adobe premere pro cs5.5 from internet with some keys.
Now when i open still it says the key is wrong which found correct yesterday

so help me on this i have some dll file but not working now

thanks in advance
(May 05, 2014, 00:24 am)Abbu_ki_CHITTAD Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr 28, 2014, 09:18 am)jamesthokchom Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I have downloaded a adobe premere pro cs5.5 from internet with some keys.
Now when i open still it says the key is wrong which found correct yesterday

so help me on this i have some dll file but not working now

thanks in advance

Do some basic search dude, before posting.. You can't even spell 'premiere' properly (above)


The exact version you were looking for..[thethingy]_

Excused if U R a NooB..

It's nice that you helped him out, but did you have to be a DICK about it?

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!
(May 05, 2014, 00:24 am)Abbu_ki_CHITTAD Wrote: [ -> ]Do some basic search dude, before posting.. You can't even spell 'premiere' properly (above)

Excused if U R a NooB..

Don't treat other members who are requesting help like a patronising asshat. So what if OP made a spelling mistake? Not all members speak English as their native tongue so bear that in mind next time you feel the urge to drop a grammar nazi wisdom bomb on someone's head. Oneupmanship isn't welcome in pirating/filesharing circles, and if it makes you feel better to talk down to others, then you're in the wrong place.

edit: didn't see Q91's post when I posted this.
(May 05, 2014, 02:37 am)Abbu_ki_CHITTAD Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, just trying to help.. is all.. anyway I'm sorry if I have offended anyone.. That is the reward for trying to help, a warning.. I am feeling real DOWN right now.. SadSad

And what a great help you were.
"Excuse me sir, may i have some water?"
"Sure, just try to find a shovel and start digging, perhaps you'll find some...."

Look man, it's simple as this, if you want to help, then HELP, because telling people to go search isn't helping (at least not in this case), in my opinion that's being an a$$hole, present a solution to the problem next time. It is one thing to give such an answer when someone requests a torrent that already exists (the basic search kinda fits on this one), but not in this case.

If i overreacted, then I apologize, woke up in a bad mood, with an headache, and this was the first post i read.

There's something you have to understand, not everyone knows what to do with the information that is presented to them, that is why saying "go search" isn't enough. The person might have the answer right in front of her, and still does not recognize it, or doesn't understand the step-by-step guide, or might not understand certain technical terms, it happens.

Next time try to get information from the person, what software was DLed, how it was installed, from where, are there any requirements for that particular torrent, perhaps the person had to block the software on the firewall....
who knows... If you do, point the solution, if you don't and if you want to help, go search and point the solution.

And BTW just don't point out flaws on the way people write or speak, that's just evil.... (correct them, without making fun or smoething)
Let's try and stay on topic please, Abbu has received an official warning so let's focus on helping the OP with their dll issue. Smile
You might ave missed a step, which is patching the hosts file, thus preventing the software connecting to the website, the torrent provided by Abbu_ki_CHITTAD ( has the instructions in there, re-install it, just to be sure everything goes right.

To make things easy, before re-installing Adobe Premiere, download this file extract it and run it (if using Windows Vista/7/8/8.1 Right-Click on the file and select "Run as Administrator") press Y and Enter, it will notice you that it has finished and then you may close the window, this will add Adobe's websites to the host file (same list that is included on that torrent, but made easier), after this, install Adobe Premiere PRO with a serial.

IF GETTING ERRORS regarding the license only then you have to copy the DLL files to the installed folder, but only if you get any license error with the serials
You haven't mentioned where you downloaded your copy of Premiere Pro CS5.5 from so, IMO, start again. Follow the instructions below:

1. Download, install and then run REVO Uninstaller Pro and use it to remove your current copy of Premiere Pro (Use Advanced Scan to clean-up all leftovers after uninstalling Premiere Pro).

N.B. Advanced scan is used to ensure both SLStore and SLCache directories are removed prior to re-install of Premiere Pro.

2. Re-boot your PC.
3. Download Adobe Premiere Pro.
4. Download Adobe Tool.
5. Disable your Network Adapters.
6. Run Adobe Tool and use it to patch your HOSTS file.
7. Install Premiere Pro as a trial.
8. Once installed, run Premiere Pro to start the trial and use all/any of it's functions you intend to use in the future to "release" them.
9. Close Premiere Pro.
10. Return to Adobe Tool and use it to patch the .dll files.
11. Close everything, re-boot your PC then re-enable your Network Adapters.

JOB DONE! Big Grin