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I'm new to Torrenting Forums - can you please recommend some other good ones with active communities?

The purpose is mainly for questions and advice etc as well as seeing what everyone else is talking about.

Thank you for your help
Try this:

It's where I get my Windows fix.
(Feb 14, 2022, 22:04 pm)RobertX Wrote: [ -> ]Try this:

It's where I get my Windows fix.

Aren't there loads of other good ones?  For windows systems only that is.

Do you know any good ones for Music Production, synths, apps, plugins, software - eg midi/audio for making your own music etc?

I was thinking about signing up to forums for all the main torrent software like utorrent qbittorent etc?
What are the other big ones?

Sorry, that's out of my area of expertise.

EDIT: FloodTheWaves, have you ever tried open source programs?

You don't need to pirate them and they're pretty good, contrary to popular belief.

Here are a few:

- Audacity for sound editing
- Blender for 3D rendering
- Gimp for image retouching
- FreeCAD for 3D design
- LibreCAD for stuff like drafting
- Inkscape for Illustrations
- Scribus for desktop publishing
- Openoffice/Libreoffice for Office stuff

The list goes on.

I always thought that if anything is going to beat piracy, it's got to be free, open source software.

Hope this helps.

EDIT: Did a search on your query, and found this:
Found this, but it is not a torrent forum, it's DDL:

Remember though, treat every warez site/forum with a malware scanner.

I don't want to ruin your day.

Hope this helps.
Found this, but it is not a torrent forum, it's DDL:

Remember though, treat every warez site/forum with a malware scanner.

I don't want to ruin your day.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for trying to help!