whitecat2010's Knit and Crochet mega collections
I am a collector (among other things) of knit and crochet books, booklets and patterns. I have a gazilllion of them. Most of all, I am an organizer, and an expert photoshopper, who has specialized in the cleaning/repairing of ebooks.
Thus in my collections are
- organized by type (i.e. Crochet afghans, Knit afghans, Crochet for the home, Knitting for the home and so on)
- all the contents are neatly and consistently renamed with the real title, author etc..., so that you can immediately see from the files list what it is and whether you have it or you want it. This also allows me to immediately spot a duplicate and remove it.
- For some worthy books, I repair bad scans: I'm talking of crooked pages, faint print, dark or coloured blotches, absence of margins, missing pieces, barrell effect (fat book trying to lie flat on scanner), and so on. Since I discovered ScanTailor I have also ventured into separating double pages, but ScanTailor is so much hard work that so far I've done it to only very few.
- I also check page numbers and in most cases have corrected them (this is a really laborious and boring job). Sometimes this means first converting the .pdf into .jpgs, renaming the individual jpgs after previewing them with a magnifying glass, to reorder them as much as possible (this often reveals missing pages!) and then making a .pdf once again.
But most of the times, if i have .jpgs, I leave them as jpgs. Some of us crafters don't have stellar eyesight, and a jpg is easier to crop and enlarge before printing!

I haven't uploaded many torrents. I could be uploading one book or booklet every day, 365 days a year, and gain a reputation of super-uploader. I know people who are doing just that, with exactly this kind of books and booklets. First of all it's incredibly tiring, what with the TPB captcha bug that makes you write the whole thing twice before it's uploaded. And, most importantly, I find it much more useful for the downloader to present the whole collection, by type, all grouped together. It saves time and effort. I know, because I gathered all this stuff one by one, sometimes in obscure direct download sites in foreign languages where I needed google translate to find my way around and know which button to click. I can assure you it was not fun.

You will find all my collections, still well-seeded after three years or so, here: https://thepiratebay.se/user/whitecat2010

Knitting patterns - babies and children (mega collection)
Crochet and Knitting patterns - babies and children (mega collec
Crochet patterns - babies and children (collection)
Crochet afghan (throw) mega collection
Crochet bags patterns
Crochet motif pattern collection
Knit afghans (throws), bedspreads pattern collection
Knit bag and purse pattern collection
Crochet cardigans, jackets, coats, boleros and shrugs
Knit socks part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Mega collection - Knit dolls, toys and Christmas ornaments https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/9455230/..._ornaments

P.S. I'm not happy when I see here torrents of random knitting and crochet books, all jumbled together, where more than half of the material comes from my own torrents (I know the files from the naming and often from the size of the ones that I photoshopped, because it's not the original size, typically it's a bit larger). What's the point of doing that? But oh well, sharing is sharing, after all who cares...

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