what hard drive fail most??
hello..i am looking any extenral hdd what would be reliable,for long term storage terms for my files,videos etc..

can you recommend me any good hdd brands and what ones i should stay off??

i am looking 5t external hdd
Western Digital EZ series apparently tend to fail at about two years.
I've had a Western Digital Passport for 5 years now, that I use all the time, and it works fine.

I'm sure most of them work fine. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you do worry, then just get 2 different ones and backup stuff on both of them. Smile
(Oct 04, 2016, 05:10 am)joew771 Wrote: I've had a Western Digital Passport for 5 years now, that I use all the time, and it works fine.

I'm sure most of them work fine. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you do worry, then just get 2 different ones and backup stuff on both of them. Smile
If you look at backblaze.com you can see that the failure rate depend on the age of the drive. If you do worry change your drive often. After considering all factors a newer drive have more capacity and the $ per GB is falling.
I have lost many drives. More Seagate than WD. The Seagate seem to last less than 2 years where the WD passports I have had last anywhere from 4 to 6. Losing terabytes worth of information is not fun. Agree that if it is something you want to keep forever, back up on a seperate drive that doesn't get as much usage.
I've had 2 Seagate drives in RAID 0 configuration running as a system drive for over 10 years now. Yeah, they're the old SATA 3Gbps drives but still (not) ticking! Wink However, I have no experience with retail external drives. I always buy the hard drive and enclosure separately.

IMHO, Seagate and WD NAS drivesĀ are the most reliable. Grab one and an empty external enclosure, and you'll be set!
Backblaze is very good for the statistics of HDD Failure rates.

There is no one brand that fails more than another, rather drive models that fail more than others. I worked for a retail computer company for a number of years, and those stats are pretty accurate.
Strange that many of you would say Western Digital hard drives would fail after five years.

I bought one to increase drive storage (i.e. 500GB), and it's been five years. The only problem now is that 500GB fills up easily.
Same report updated for 2017: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/hard-driv...s-q1-2017/


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