[split] Onion Address gives sorry you are banned
[ Btw, the title of this thread mentions "Onion Address".  I have NO IDEA what that is. I am
presuming that it is synonymous with 'this forum', which is what I'm writing about. ]

Today, I logged in to this forum (i.e. pirates-forum.org  (aka: Suprbay ).  I got in ok, and
found the thread I wanted.  After writing a lengthy reply, when I hit the "Post Reply" button,
the post failed, and I was greeted by some text saying that I've been banned from posting and
even reading posts here, etc.  It didn't explain WHY, it said to contact the forum administrator
to find out why I was banned.

But, there was nothing to click on in this banning-msg that would let me
contact an admin, so I went outside the forum and did a google-search to learn
how to contact an administrator, and found numerous search hits, but they
all pointed back into the forum, but I wasn't allowed to read them, because I was banned !!!

Are you KIDDING me?  That's a great circular-design...kind of like folks say in Maine,
when someone asks them for direction to somewhere:
  "Uh...no, you can't get there from here".

So I gave up in disgust.  But I'm persistent, after having a bite to eat, I came back to
my laptop 30 minutes later, and did some more searching for a workaround. 

LUCKILY, after NOT finding any workaround with google-searches, I suddenly had a
'swag'  (a 'scientific wild-ass guess'):  I shut-off my VPN.  Bingo...now I am no longer
banned from the forum.

Say what??? Members can't access this forum thru their VPN?  That makes NO sense,
especially given that many/most  members of ThePirateBay itself, have a VPN and 
have it enabled.

It seems to me that the maintainers of this forum have some explaining and some 
re-programming to do.
That thread was for a specific topic that is entirely different from your post.

IP addresses get banned when they are abused. You take the risk of inheriting one when you use a VPN.

That is all there is to it. Before you go tossing out big statements about explaining and re-programming, it wouldn't hurt to do a bit yourself seeing as how you posted this in a thread you yourself claimed no understanding of.

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