site trying to redirect me to non-TPB site

I can bring up the main .org page, but when I try to search, open preferences or even go straight to my own torrent list I get a security warning from Google Chrome that I'm being redirected to and that it's been shown to be unsafe.

It's been awhile since I've been on the page and the forum, but it wasn't that long. Did you change the url of TPB again?dest

Never Mind. I just learned that it's due to AdBlock Plus. Apparently, uBlock Origin will give you the blocking you want without actually blocking this site!

(Someone asked this over on Reddit, a place I almost NEVER frequent!)
.org remains the primary domain i checked for any redirects [just an popup] nothing else if your having problem try opening with incognito mode thereafter clarify the results but it wont much of difference as its been so like before and would be fixed if it happens but your welcomed to post your results
I figured out that it was a problem with my ad blocker. I did a search for the URL and a Reddit thread came up from a few days ago where someone had the same issue. They changed their ad blocker and it resolved. The only problem I'm still having is that when I try to go straight to my torrent list either by bookmark or by typing it into the url bar, it just takes me back to TPB home page. The only way for me to get to my torrents is to click on "Preferences".
Use uBlock Origin, then visit and you should be good to go.

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