how do I convert data in tpb dump to a magnet?
I can't get the offline thing installed, byut I am able to load the dump.csv into text app.  Can someone direct me as to how to convert that data into a working info hash or magnet link?

Like, how does this:
2014-Sep-27 17:09:21;Zrr/YY3JzZE4z0jMcI6alBWHeKU=;"Baroque, Albinoni, Pachelbel, Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, Purcell";288336128

Become this:


Thanks very much
Download html version instead of csv version.
http://uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion/static/dump/html/ or
Extract with winrar or other sofware extraction tool, then open with browser. All magnet link will displayed in browser.
Try OfflineBay:

Try ipfsearch:

or just do what theSEMAR said, up to you.
Why don't tpb just share the dump.csv as a torrent to save 'dump' dl bandwidth, including instructions how to convert to working magnet link? Put out a new one every month or so and don't have to run that ghastly offlinebay. TPB could link to the latest dump magnet on their frontpage because that always loads.

TPB seaches have been real crappy for me the last couple weeks, needing constant refreshing. Is why I'm trying alternatives. Do yoiu know it took over 2 hours to download the latest dump.html because it kept failing and it turns out that was only 25mb with 3 months of data from 2017. 'forensic' searched only three found.

Offlinebay takes longer to install than my full OS, so that's not happening, I don't want local torr software, just usable info hash or magnet or .torrent.

Yeah I already know ipfsearch. It seems broken. Try searching 'forensic', there should be several hundred hits, but ipfs shows zero at this time.
Can't talk for them, but my guess is the guys aren't so motivated to interface at that level. First, a data export service could be more efficient; but that could damage the site popularity (hits/day); finally, who would do it? Someone is too busy tending to the gerbils.

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