does mediafire keep IP logs forever of users who access my content
I’m In there data retention policy media fire states: “There are short term logs of who accessed and downloaded content from whom’s account. We keep this for the minimum amount of time necessary to ensure resumable downloads etc“ (75 hours). Is there anyway someone can get caught after the logs are deleted l, lets say a week later? Does that mean only the owner of the content can get caught? Or do they keep ip logs of who accessed a account forever?
Get away from the computer now. You have already said too much. MediaFire is a known NSA Honeypot
In fairness it should be mentioned that the NSA doesnt give a rats azz about filrsharing.

Its just best to avoid certain websites and certain keywords, however.

All the newer CPUs are boogered by the NSA, and if they want to they can spy on you no matter what ISP you use. And, can if they wish, brick your system.

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