While I have a Win7, and a Win10 system, I do not like them. Even though I took a chainsaw to their 'services' I find them kludgy.

I prefer my XP systems, but have been running into increasing difficulties as newer software often contains DLLs which refuse to work on XP. On these systems I have no need for 64 bit, so that is not an issue.

Has anyone found a comprehensive hack to enable an XP system to 'fool' software to thinking its running on WIn7+ ??

I am paying close attention to the ReactOS project, even though its still primitive despite Russian government support.
My XP systems are half POSIX anyway, with Cygwin installed.

(Oh, I also have Debian 8 but I truly despise SystemD and am not about to reconfigure an enormous Debian setup to the only other compiler based options.)
Virtual Machine?
(Jul 26, 2016, 10:56 am)Picklock Wrote: umm
Virtual Machine?

I dont really like VMs due to their memory requirements, but most of all I dont really like Vista+ architecture.

ReactOS is deathly afraid to directly hack M$ code.

I am wondering if there are any hackers from 'safe' countries with older XP machines who have attacked this problem by reverse engineering the M$ microkernal itself.
You want an application that makes non XP applications run on XP, interesting idea!
(Jul 26, 2016, 10:37 am)bobozo Wrote: SystemD

i generally find systemd complainers are like gluten-free dieters. they like to say so, then when i ask them what systemd (or gluten) is, they don't know

the unix design principle is antiquated. things change. systemd is fine... hence why even conservative (for want of a better word) distros are implementing it

as for your question, the simple answer is no, the dependencies require higher than xp for various reasons, such as considerable changes in the win32 api

oh and please don't say you think systemd is insecure as that notion is directly inconsistent with using a non-security patched operating system
(Jul 26, 2016, 10:37 am)bobozo Wrote: I prefer my XP systems, but have been running into increasing difficulties as newer software often contains DLLs which refuse to work on XP.

Most programs for win10 will have severe problems working on an XP. It's like playing a wii game on a nintendo 64. It just isn't gunna happen. As far as an XP emulatiing a win10 machine, or even a win7 or 8 machine, that's almost as impossible. Forward emulation hardly ever happens.

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