Which is the "Hosts File"?
Just dl Photoshop and followed the instructions in the readme txt. It's asking me to add six lines of text to "your hosts file". I don't know what or where this is.

This is the file I downloaded.
the "hosts." file is a system file that helps redirecting domain "names" to a certain IP.

If you know what "localhost" is, then you probably know that it links to the IP (which is by standard the local host ip).

This is accomplished by adding a line like:

Code: localhost

in the "hosts." file
Anyways, back to your question.

The file you're after is, at least since Windows Vista, is usually in this folder: C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc
the best way to edit the "hosts." file is to;
1. copy the file from that folder and put it on tour desktop.
2. Open up Notepad and drag the file from the desktop into the Notepad window
3. Follow the instruction on the crack readme, IT probably wants you to add one ore more lines like the one I posted above (changing out localhost to adobe servers I presume).
4. Save the file.
5. Just to make sure, make a backup of the original hosts file by either renaming it or make another copy of it somewhere else.
6. Put the "hosts." file from the desktop back to the "\etc" folder.
7. This might require a reboot.
Q91, great reply, thanks..Just that, regarding the file to paste the lines in, you put drivers etc. What comes after drivers etc?
Copy code below into notepad. Save as HOSTS.bat onto desktop (Not HOSTS.bat.txt). Right-click and Run as Administrator. Follow on-screen prompts. Hosts file is now edited and original Hosts file is backed up (hosts.bak).

To answer your question. Hosts file located at:


Windows, System32, Drivers & etc are all directories/folders. Hosts file is in the folder named etc.

@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
color 04
title Hosts File Modifier
set "hostspath=%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

rem Initialize the array of our hosts to toggle
for %%a in (
    " lmlicenses.wip4.adobe.com"
    " lm.licenses.adobe.com"
    " na1r.services.adobe.com"
    " hlrcv.stage.adobe.com"
    " practivate.adobe.com"
    " activate.adobe.com"
) do (
    set /a numhosts+=1
    set "host!numhosts!=%%~a"

>"%hostspath%.new" (
    rem Parse the hosts file, skipping the already present hosts from our list.
    rem Blank lines are preserved using findstr trick.
    for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%a in ('%SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /n /r /c:".*" "%hostspath%"') do (
        set skipline=
        for /L %%h in (1,1,!numhosts!) do (
            if "%%b"=="!host%%h!" (
                set skipline=true
                set found%%h=true
                echo - %%b 1>&2
        if not "!skipline!"=="true" echo.%%b
    for /L %%h in (1,1,!numhosts!) do (
        if not "!found%%h!"=="true" echo + !host%%h! 1>&2 & echo !host%%h!
move /y "%hostspath%" "%hostspath%.bak" >nul || echo Can't backup %hostspath%
move /y "%hostspath%.new" "%hostspath%" >nul || echo Can't update %hostspath%
Many thanks. Excellent answers, guys.
copy it from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc to your desktop

modify it with notepad, copy it back to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

and replace it with old file
(Jan 12, 2018, 09:17 am)xHOBBiTx Wrote: copy it from C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc to your desktop

modify it with notepad, copy it back to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

and replace it with old file

Thanks xhobbitx
Or to make editing of system files and folders a lot easier in windows you can just use a registry script hack
(it might be called something else but I call it a hack) ... and add "Take Ownership" to the Right-Click Menu.

Then whatever file / folder you cannot modify without having to drag it here, drop it there, rename it to this
or that ... all you have to do is Right-Click on the file / folder (example: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host)
and select the option Take Ownership ... watch the cmd window do it's thing ... and presto ... that file / folder is
now your b*tch ... modify and save the file as you desire where it sits without having to move it all around to
different places on your computer.

I use the script and it saves A LOT of time when having to edit the host file when adding / installing things.

SOURCE: Take Ownership
(Jan 18, 2018, 10:00 am)Twizted1 Wrote: Or to make editing of system files and folders a lot easier in windows you can just use a registry script hack
(it might be called something else but I call it a hack) ... and add "Take Ownership" to the Right-Click Menu.

Then whatever file / folder you cannot modify without having to drag it here, drop it there, rename it to this
or that ... all you have to do is Right-Click on the file / folder (example: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\host)
and select the option Take Ownership ... watch the cmd window do it's thing ... and presto ... that file / folder is
now your b*tch ... modify and save the file as you desire where it sits without having to move it all around to
different places on your computer.

I use the script and it saves A LOT of time when having to edit the host file when adding / installing things.

SOURCE: Take Ownership

Any .reg Mod to gain elevated permissions can are be dubious. Looking at the .reg Mod you linked to. No backup of the .reg key included. Straight off no no. Modding any system protected archives/files, once you know where they nest, can be achieved, most times by copy/paste to desktop. Modify, then replace.

Writing simple script to overcome one off elevated permission issues would be good. Not .reg hacks. That's just an my opinion.
Appreciate the input, guys.

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