VB Question?
Hi all,

i'm looking to remove the border from installers etc created using VB (Visual Basic).

Here's what i mean. The first pic has a "flat" installer and the second, made with VB has a border. Anyone know how to remove the border?

[Image: JfMGwGr.png]

[Image: 65zPWUQ.png]

Thanks in advance for any/all help Big Grin
I dont really know what you mean but if its a window then you can remove most border types with the SetWindowLong function but its likely easier to not create the border in the first place so what function did you use to create the window?
(Nov 01, 2013, 20:58 pm)Kingfish Wrote: I dont really know what you mean but if its a window then you can remove most border types with the SetWindowLong function but its likely easier to not create the border in the first place so what function did you use to create the window?

From within VB Express:

New Project.../Windows Forms application/

Below is a template of what i get (with the border):

[Image: 9nWWfhF.png]

And below is an example of the code for the functionality of the buttons/boxes etc:

Generate Code:

TextBox1.Text = Int(Rnd() * 4)
Select Case TextBox1.Text
Case 0
TextBox1.Text = "111"
Case 1
TextBox1.Text = "222"
Case 2
TextBox1.Text = "333"
Case 3
TextBox1.Text = "444"
End Select



Message box Code:

MessageBox.Show("A -nelly- / 2010kaiser Release", "-nelly- / 2010kaiser")

Copy Code:

Oh, you know I was not sure what you were on about but you need to create the specific window type to begin with, check here and look at dwExStyle/lpClassName/dwStyle, I dont know VB Express but I do know its calling CreateWindowEx so you'll need to brush up on the styles/classes to know what to set.
(Nov 01, 2013, 21:30 pm)Kingfish Wrote: Oh, you know I was not sure what you were on about but thats not a border its a frame and you need to create the specific window type to begin with, check here and look at dwExStyle/lpClassName/dwStyle, I dont know VB Express but I do know its calling CreateWindowEx so you'll need to brush up on the styles/classes to know what to set.

Cheers Kingfish. I've been Googling most of today for anything even remotely related to your link.

Many thanks mate Smile
You're probably looking for the FormBorderStyle property of the Form class. If you want to have a borderless window, you'll want to set that property to None.

Check the following MSDN article: Form.FormBorderStyle Property (click on the VB tab to get relevent syntax).
(Nov 02, 2013, 08:21 am)esharoth Wrote: You're probably looking for the FormBorderStyle property of the Form class. If you want to have a borderless window, you'll want to set that property to None.

Check the following MSDN article: Form.FormBorderStyle Property (click on the VB tab to get relevent syntax).

Cheers guys. I was able to flatten the GUI and get rid of that damn X (Exit) icon by going to:

Properties/FormBorderStyle And selecting None Smile

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