My wife and I think that _Trucker's Woman_ is the funniest RiffTrax of all time. Just for giggles, I would like to put the soundtrack in our music library (and I won't warn her in advance until I can play it in the car, ha ha), but I can't find it anywhere. I know it's a reach, but might anyone here have it?
Also, the woman who sings at The Flaming PIt is Peggy Linville (Kevin: "Kind of an upbeat song for a planetary extinction event!"). She has one other imdb credit: _Hot Summer in Barefoot County_, which I suspect stinks to high heaven, but I'll chance it. I can't find that one, either. I tried YouTube, torrents, Internet Archive for it (and for the Trucker's Woman soundtrack).
Any luck here?
My thanks to all of you!
I can't believe that I forgot to say it, but "noseyin' around" did not help me! :-D
Also, the woman who sings at The Flaming PIt is Peggy Linville (Kevin: "Kind of an upbeat song for a planetary extinction event!"). She has one other imdb credit: _Hot Summer in Barefoot County_, which I suspect stinks to high heaven, but I'll chance it. I can't find that one, either. I tried YouTube, torrents, Internet Archive for it (and for the Trucker's Woman soundtrack).
Any luck here?
My thanks to all of you!
I can't believe that I forgot to say it, but "noseyin' around" did not help me! :-D