Torrent download stuck at 11%
I've been trying to download a torrent link, but it became stuck at 11% when I opened up Torch. I downloaded other torrent links on Pirate Bay with no issues, except this particular one is having issues, which isthis. Can anyone fix this issue, or do I have to find a better substitute for the link shown? And yes, I am indeed new here and had this issue from at least three days ago.
Not a Site Issue, moved to GD.

There only appears to be one seeder at the moment, and that seeder only has 5.7% of the torrent, so it may be worth your while posting a reseed request in our Video Requests forum, here:

See our FAQ for all the TPB and forum basics:
Happens to me all the time with tvteam's torrents. They post the same ones over and over again and a lot of them never get any traction and you wind up with the orphaned results. Not saying tvteam isn't a righteous supplier, but the ones that get repeated a few days after the fresh ones are usually doomed...
Yep, that's the nature of torrenting. There's always plenty of seeders for brand new tv show torrents when they're first uploaded, but after a few days, you're waiting a lot longer for them to come in, and when it's been a few years, like the torrent in question, it's pot luck sometimes whether you complete the download.

At the moment there are 3 seeds for that torrent, one has 35%, and the other two have 100% of the torrent, so it will download eventually. With older uploads, you often find that people may seed at certain times of the day only, so don't give up. The fact that 2 people with the full torrent are seeding it 3 years after it was uploaded, tells me they'll stick around at least until one of the leechers completes their download (and seeds back).

edit - OP, I don't know if the problem lies with Torch, but there's nothing in their FAQ related to torrents getting stuck, so let us know if the torrent has started downloading again for you. If it hasn't, tell us what version you're using etc, and whether you get any sort of error message.
I've experienced the same thing with downloading Chinese TV serials; they get stuck at 99.9%.

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