Tools Settings Tab and Menu Bar
Hi All. Me again.
I want to try creating my own morphs for clothes. Before I attempt to use Hexagon, I'd like to try to use the Daz based tools. That is Joint Editor, weight maps etc. But I am stuck at the first hurdle because I can't find how to display the Tools in the Menu Bar. If anyone has the patience to tell me I'd be obliged, or even better, point me towards a More Recent video would be great. The best I've found so far is 4.0 and 4.2.
Many Thanks
Some styles have it on by default, most don't. Fastest way is to enable the Activity bar (Window>Enable Activity Bar). The last tab of said bar is Building/Scripting, which is all of those tools you're looking for. Or you could set up a custom workspace, which there is no good tutorial for to my knowledge, as it's too user/user-setup specific, but I could bash one out if it's something really desired. Probably not a video though, as I'd be doing it remotely in the first place.
Right. Sorry for being thick. I've found Window - Workspace - Enable Activity Bar, but nothing seems to change on the screen after I've clicked on it. I've also clicked on: Orient tabs along the top. but nothing shows up. As I activate the Enable bit I do get a brief flash of something in the tool bar but then gone.
which style are you using? darkside has it either enabled by default or at least visible after enabling (it's the style i use, since the rest omit stuff, or so it seems to me). it should appear immediately above the standard toolbar, and just changes what's on the toolbar based on the 'activity' tab you have selected.
Wow, isn't it complicated! I got it in the end, by going to Workspace = City Limits, and Style = Darkside, which I had all along. Anyway, thanks again. It seems I have used just a small percent of Daz in the past, and it is like an iceburg, there is sooooo much more to be found, and understood!
It was a steep learning curve coming from Poser, and it's still curving.
Out of curiosity, what is your opinion of Hexagon?
I wish other people would ask questions like mine. I wouldn't feel so dumb.
Thanks for the help. I'll no doubt be back again.
I'm not proficient enough in it for a solid opinion one way or the other. It seems simpler/more intuitive than most modelling programs, and was, until Daz acquired it considered the best entry-intermediate level modeller available. I've never had a problem on the rare occassions I had need it of it for something, and ai think I even made a simple shirt in it once upon a time. just make sure you open the program, since it's 32 bit, if you're on a 64 bit OS. Googling Hexagon and 64 bit should pull up the relevant threads/info. Oh, and save often, like everything Daz makes and/or abandoned, it's prone to random crashing at times not easily explained. Fun little program though, from my experience, and many Daz content creators still use it.
Thanks I'll follow that up.
I used it for a while. Then I switched to cinema 4d never looked back. You should try it out it is very easy to lean and tons of youtube
videos to learn from.

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