To protect ourselves
I woud like to discuss here what a normal person can do to protect himself from harassment and keep a little privacy.

This is what I usually do:
- completely encrypted disk (aes 512 bit), the computer cannot start without an usb drive with the key;
- VPN to connect to the internet;
- I browse gmail, gplus (and similar sites) using a different browser so their cookies and trackers are separated;
- chromium ghostery add-on in the normal browser;
- I execute closed source programs under tomoyo if possible.

What do you do to protect yourself?
How about just using GNU/Linux?

I use Windows just for games and encoding/ripping, not really any torrenting; I use Linux Mint for that.
LOL if you think GNU/Linux is private.
To protect myself i disconnect from the internet :O
[Image: tin.gif]
(Feb 03, 2014, 20:11 pm)RobertX Wrote: How about just using GNU/Linux?

I guess you missed the last point. Tomoyo is Mandatory access control implementation in gnu/linux.

I try to avoid closed source software, when I need to use them (Skype specially) I lock them up with Tomoyo to have more control of what they do.

I do not have Windows installed, if something does not work with gnu/linux + wine usually it does not deserve to be used. I think it is important to be a little intransigent so companies care more.

As fail-safe if the vpn connection I use NetworkManager dispatcher script functionality to reconnect automatically and I set-up iptables so that only connection via vpn or to the vpn server are allowed.
Perhaps every time you close the browser is excessive (IMO), but cleaning cookies once in a week or so is pretty much necessary, good to remember.
However, it won't help against google/facebook/twitter/... tracking if you log-in. That is why I use a separate browser for those sites.

It is nice to browse youtube without seeing that google is obviously tracking your habits. Smile

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