Last Active: Feb 07, 2019
Did a search with what you mentioned and works fine as well with movies.
Very weird indeed, hope you'll find a cure.
It may be server side problem but if it works on some configurations then there must be a cure for it from our side as well.
Last Active: Yesterday
Site INDEXING is completely broken. The site's Master File Table is broken. Until those is fixed, the search engine will ALWAYS remain broken. This is basic stuff, yet not a single bit of effort has been expended to fix the problem. A site reflects the people who run it and TPB search has been broken for nearly a year. If the site runners spent as much time fixing the site as they do punishing people who fail to sufficiently kiss their asses, TPB would be the best site on the web. Usually, I can get one, or two searches that pull recent torrents. Today, it's been 100% 13DEC2017 as the date of the newest 1st-30 results. Even worse is that when you browse, if you go back more than 33 pages, you get no results. Browsing now has a 1000-result limit. Commenting only works for some registered users. I haven't been able to comment in over a year.
I can duplicate these results on ANY computer (PC or Mac), or device, on every major OS (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android and iOS) no matter the browser (IE11, Camino, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge, Puffin, Tor). The problems are 100% in the site itself.