The Listening Post - Captivating Audiobooks and Radio Programs
(Jan 11, 2020, 06:31 am)RobertX Wrote: Resurgence, what an original thread you have here!

One question: if I was to make a contribution, can I include autobiographies? I want to submit recordings of an audiobook by Steve Austin from his wrestling autobiography, "The Stone Cold Truth."

Yes, autobiographies are a welcome addition to the thread. 

The audiobook you mentioned sounds interesting.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Radio Drama:

A Room With A View


E.M. Forster

A radio adaptation of the 1908 novel.

Circa 1900, Lucy Honeychurch visits Italy with her cousin Charlotte Bartlett. In a Florence pensione with English guests, Lucy finds her neatly ordered existence thrown off balance. Her eyes are opened by the unconventional characters she meets at the Pensione Bertolini: flamboyant romantic novelist Eleanor Lavish, the Signora, curious Mr Emerson and, most of all, his son George.

George and his father offer their rooms with views to Lucy and her chaperone. Lucy and George get acquainted, but Lucy returns to England.

Later, George and Lucy meet again in England, but now she's engaged to the pretentious, dull snob Cecil Vyse. Cecil has social standing and would seem to be the socially acceptable partner for Lucy. She appears to have her life all mapped out, however the presence of the free-spirited, open-hearted George has her unsettled.

Will Lucy follow her heart or live according to society's expectations of her life?

Part 1. Miss Honeychurch, Giotto and Too Much Beethoven (0:44)
Part 2. Good Men and Violets (56:12)
Part 3. A Proposal and a Bathing Party (1:53:06)
Part 4. The Triumph of Phaeton (2:48:36)


If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor

By Bruce Campbell

[b]Publication Date:[/b] 2015

[img]<a href=[/img][Image: If-Chins-Could-Kill-Confessions-of-a-B-M...mpbell.png]" />

File Size 933mb

Though it offers few revelations about the details of Campbell's personal life, this entertaining and witty Hollywood memoir combines his life story with how-to guidance on making independent films and becoming a pop culture cult hero. Campbell began working in show business as a teenager, and in high school became friends with future director Sam Raimi, with whom he eventually co-produced the 1982 cult horror hit Evil Dead, in which Campbell starred. Despite his wry, modest sense of humor Campbell recognizes the peculiar place that Evil Dead holds in contemporary culture he sincerely conveys the enormous commitment and work that went into making and marketing the movie. By the time he describes the film's premiere, Campbell's sense of triumph is palpable: we share his excitement when the film makes back its money and by 2000 becomes number three on the all-time video charts after Lady and the Tramp and Titanic. When Campbell isn't starring in new films like Evil Dead II and Moontrap, he is desperately often hilariously looking for investors for his new projects. His subtitle aside, Campbell's career has gone mainstream: he has appeared in Homicide and Ellen, is a regular on Hercules and Xena, and has started directing as well. (June)Forecast: While a boon to film cultists and to Campbell's many fans, this book also has enough insights and smarts to appeal to readers with a serious interest in popular culture. A planned author tour and national print advertising will help it capitalize on Campbell's cult following.!NMNw0SAJ!IhraIJeZi9Dee...3CL2l-XXvI

Murder Most Foul

Series 2

1 - The Wheels of Justice

In wartime London, Rachel Dobkin is reported missing by her sister. A body is found in a south London church. Can Dr Keith Simpson prove it to be the murdered remains of Mrs Dobkin?

2 - Bullets and Ballistics

In 1921, PC George Gutteridge is found shot dead in a country lane and two suspects are arrested. Can forensic evidence prove that the guns in their possession were the ones that shot the murdered policeman?

3 - The Perfect Murder?

Elizabeth Barlow was found drowned in her bath in May 1957. She showed signs of having been drugged but no trace of any substance could be found.

4 - The Bloodstained Handkerchief

A woman has been murdered. In her flat, police find a handkerchief stained with a rare blood group. Things look bad for the murderer if forensic evidence can match it with blood found on his clothing.

5 - Murder on the Farm

Steven Jameson has been poisoned by paraquat which his wife accidentally spilled in a stew. But his doctor believes that Steven has been murdered.

6 - The Bloody Thumbprint

March 1905: an elderly couple have been battered to death in their shop in south London. The only clue is a bloody thumbprint left on the lid of a cashbox. Can the police use this evidence to convict the murderers?


Murder Most Foul

Series 3

Episode 1 - The Fingerless Stranger

Portsmouth, 1943 - The landlady of a busy pub is found dead, ostensibly following a robbery. Harold Luffens is charged with murder, but is subsequently tried an unprecedented three times for the same crime.

Episode  2 - The Body In The Chalk Pit

In 1946, a man's body is found in a shallow pit, a noose around his neck. Was it suicide by hanging? If so, how did the body come to be in a chalk pit?

Episode 3 - Hitch-Hike To Murder

A woman accepts a lift from a lorry driver. Later her body is found in bushes at the side of the road. Detective Chief Inspector Fabian begins the search for the deadly driver.

Episode 4 -The Wigwam Murder

It's 1942, and a woman's body is found in a mound of earth near an American army camp. Does it have anything to do with a Native American soldier who fell in love with an English girl?

Episode 5 - Death Of The Lord Of Life

The crown prince of Siam is found dead, seemingly after shooting himself. But was it really suicide, or, with the political turmoil, was there a darker motive for a killing?

Episode 6 - The Use Of Maggots

Two boys discover a body in Bracknell Woods on a hot day in 1964. Can the maggots found on the body tell Dr Keith Simpson anything about the victim or his murderer?

Happy Easter!

[Image: 4d0fe8ca14546309c02e9d734f2b86c8.jpg]

Radio Drama:

The Lord Of The Rings

by J.R.R. Tolkien

Adapted for radio by Brian Sibley.

In 1981 BBC Radio 4 broadcast a dramatization of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in 26 half-hour stereo installments.

It followed a previous 12-part BBC Radio version from 1955 and 1956, of which no recordings are known to have survived.

Each of the original 26 episodes received two broadcasts per week - standard practice for many BBC radio serials even today. The first broadcast of Episode 2 was blacked out across a large part of south east England because of a transmitter failure (a very rare occurrence even then).

The 26-part series was subsequently edited into 13 hour-long episodes, restoring some dialogue originally cut for timing (since each hour-long episode is actually around 57 minutes, as opposed to 54 minutes for two half-hour episodes), rearranging some scenes for dramatic impact and adding linking narration and music cues. It was broadcast in 13 episodes in 1982.

The re-edited version was released on both cassette tape and CD sets which also included the soundtrack album (noticeably taken from a vinyl copy).

A soundtrack album featuring a completely re-recorded and in some cases expanded, suite of Stephen Oliver's music was released in 1981 (posted below).

This is one of the finest radio dramas ever produced.


    Dramatization: Brian Sibley and Michael Bakewell
    Music: Stephen Oliver
    Radiophonic sound: Elizabeth Parker
    Produced and directed by Jane Morgan and Penny Leicester


    Narrator (English version): Gerard Murphy
    Frodo Baggins: Ian Holm
    Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White: Michael Hordern
    Aragorn (Strider): Robert Stephens
    Sam Gamgee: Bill Nighy (credited as William Nighy)
    Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry): Richard O'Callaghan
    Peregrin Took (Pippin): John McAndrew
    Legolas: David Collings
    Gimli: Douglas Livingstone
    Boromir: Michael Graham Cox
    Galadriel: Marian Diamond
    Celeborn: Simon Cadell
    Arwen Evenstar: Sonia Fraser
    Saruman the White: Peter Howell
    Elrond: Hugh Dickson
    Bilbo Baggins: John Le Mesurier
    Gollum/Sméagol: Peter Woodthorpe
    Théoden: Jack May
    Gríma Wormtongue: Paul Brooke
    Éowyn: Elin Jenkins
    Éomer: Anthony Hyde
    Faramir: Andrew Seear
    Treebeard: Stephen Thorne
    Denethor: Peter Vaughan
    Lord of the Nazgûl: Philip Voss
    The Mouth of Sauron: John Rye
    Glorfindel/An Elf lord of the house of Elrond half-elven : John Webb
    Haldir/Nazgûl/Nob/Minstrel: Haydn Wood
    Gamling: Patrick Barr
    Ceorl: Michael McStay
    Háma/A Nazgûl: Michael Spice
    Éothain/Otho Sackville-Baggins/Ruffian: John Livesy
    Halbarad: Martyn Read
    Beregond/The Black Rider/Guard: Christopher Scott
    Ioreth: Pauline Letts
    Gwaihir: Alexander John
    Radagast the Brown: Donald Gee
    Gaffer Gamgee: John Church
    Ted Sandyman/Snaga: Gordon Reid
    Rosie Cotton: Kathryn Hurlbutt
    Daddy Twofoot: Leonard Fenton
    Farmer Maggot/Ruffian: John Bott
    Lobelia Sackville-Baggins: Diana Bishop
    Farmer Cotton: Alan Dudley
    Proudfoot/Orc: Sean Arnold
    Elanor Gamgee: Harry Holm
    Barliman Butterbur: James Grout
    Uglúk: Brian Haines
    Shagrat: Christopher Fairbank
    Gorbag: David Sinclair
    Déagol/Bill Ferny/Orc Captain: Graham Faulkner
    Shelob: Jenny Lee, BBC Radiophonic Workshop
    Singer (Dream Voice/Bilbo's Last Song): Matthew Vine
    Singer (The Bard): Oz Clarke
    Singer (The Eagle/Voice of Lothlórien): David James

The 1987 UK Release On Cassettes:

[Image: ffdb7391365c19521694c174a49414b4.jpg]

[Image: 763884d40cef8ae12e58c208ed718858.jpg]

[Image: a7e1d309c1917fca90a31cf76abcb02e.jpg]

[Image: 6f88122b1f7d4513430488f8d6b54da8.jpg]

The 1987 US Release On Cassettes:

[Image: 17bcc9a7bce621fa3279844029e8503c.jpg]

[Image: e7203544138413812edfab9b803873b0.jpg]

[Image: 6465f0610602050464678afc38f4228d.jpg]   

1. "The Shadow Of The Past" - July 17, 1982

2. "The Black Riders" - July 24, 1982

3. "The Knife In The Dark" - July 31, 1982

4. "The Ring Goes South" - August 7, 1982

5. "The Mirror Of Gadladriel" - August 14, 1982

6. "The Breaking Of The Fellowship" - August 21, 1982

7. "The King Of The Golden Hall" - August 28, 1982

8. "The Voice Of Saruman" - September 4, 1982

9. "The Two Towers" - September 11, 1982

10. "The Choices Of Master Samwise" - September 18, 1982

11. "The Battle Of Pelennor Fields" - September 25, 1982

12. "Mount Doom" - October 2, 1982

13. "The Grey Havens" - October 9, 1982


The Original Radio Series Soundtrack:

Music From The BBC Radio Dramatization Of

J.R.R. Tolkien's

The Lord Of The Rings

Composed And Conducted By Stephen Oliver

This Recording Released: 1981

The 1981 Soundtrack On Cassette:

[Image: 4f11e9ce629afbc52028e215440f8f16794bc0f8.jpg]

The 1981 Soundtrack On Vinyl:

[Image: 8f1e95e376d86352062d45a822fa9902.jpg]

[Image: 35bb597f832c1621809945dc92530652.jpg]

[Image: 7b92c19011d5f30517032cb8e2aad320.jpg]

[Image: 532ecdcd9815cdacf92ac4acf34c84c9.jpg]


0:00  Main Title Theme,
5:08  A! Elbereth Gilthoniel,
7:42  Hobbit Walking-Songs (medley),
14:55  Sam's Song In The Watchtower,
16:08  Aragorn's Theme/The Sword That Was Broken (medley),
20:32  Shadowfax's Theme,
23:24  A! Lorien,
26:06  From Dark Dunharrow/Main Title Theme (medley),
29:17  The Ents' March,
31:36  Ballad Of The Mounds Of Mundburg,
34:53  Lament For The Fallen,
39:28  Gil-galad,
40:48  Caras Galadhon,
43:41  The Ents' Songs (medley),
48:49  Sing Ye People,
50:33  Long Live The Halflings,
52:59  Healing Of The Shire,
55:45  Bilbo's Last Song



YouTube is sure to take these down in the near future so enjoy them while you can.

Considering that, I am providing three distinct backups available on The Pirate Bay (Tor links since TPB is currently down).

If you have not added magnet link support to Tor Browser, here is a how-to I created for that:

If you would rather retrieve the magnet from TPB when the site returns, then just copy/paste either of the torrent titles listed below to find them with search.

J R R Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings (BBC Audio)

Lord of the Rings (BBC Radio Version)

The Lord of The Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien - BBC (1981)
Audiobook - Non-Fiction:

Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam

by Nick Turse

[Image: 1e4b78339d671bab7.jpg]

Americans have long been taught that events such as the notorious My Lai massacre were isolated incidents in the Vietnam War, carried out by just a few "bad apples." But as award-winning journalist and historian Nick Turse demonstrates in this groundbreaking investigation, violence against Vietnamese noncombatants was not at all exceptional during the conflict. Rather, it was pervasive and systematic, the predictable consequence of official orders to "kill anything that moves."

Drawing on more than a decade of research into secret Pentagon archives and extensive interviews with American veterans and Vietnamese survivors, Turse reveals for the first time the workings of a military machine that resulted in millions of innocent civilians killed and wounded-what one soldier called "a My Lai a month." Devastating and definitive, Kill Anything That Moves finally brings us face-to-face with the truth of a war that haunts America to this day.


There is a YouTube post for this audiobook, but I don't recommend that you listen to it. There are several sections in the audiobook that have been cut.

The Pirate Bay links below are for the unexpurgated book.

Audiobook (two choices available):

eBook (three choices available):
Radio Drama:

The Dark Island

by Robert Barr

Set on an island in the Outer Hebrides in Northwest Scotland, a fisherman discovers what appears to be a torpedo washed up on a deserted beach. Upon closer examination, the container is found to contain materials for a spy and a couple of army officers go undercover to investigate.

The play originally aired on BBC Radio in 1969.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Bright, Hopeful New Year!

[Image: ZHcEp5UA_o.jpg]


Classic Radio Show:

The Story of Silent Night

The Hallmark Playhouse

This is the story of how the great Christmas carol Silent Night came to be written in 1818 and later traveled from a small church in the Alps throughout the world. This story was told to Herter Powley by the grandson of the man who wrote Silent Night.

Originally broadcast December 23, 1948


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