SuprBay: Few minor things
1. When you are making a new thread in this section at Thread Subject as a prefix is available only SuprBay. I have noticed that there are old threads with Pirate Bay as prefix, while there is no real point to be such feature if there is only one option, so I presume the second option had been unintentionally removed through time. But of course, you know better, while I am only presuming.

2. In the section tutorials in the subsections "Preparing Files and Uploading" and "Downloading / Dealing with Downloaded Files" at the paragraph tag located on the top of the web-pages, there is a line what says "Add new tutorials here. Moderators will move them where appropriate." and in my opinion should be removed, because casual members cannot make threads there anyway.

3. When you are making a new thread at "Post Options" there is a preference "Include your signature", which I think that should be removed. Since I joined to the community of SuprBay, I have never seen anyone with signature on the forum, nor an option for it in my User Control Panel, so I presume the signature system had been removed before some time I got here, which means this just has probably been missed during the process of removal.

4. When you select the "Reply" feature on any member's post, or when you edit a post in "Full Edit" mode, that redirects you to another web-page what contains also "Post Subject" line between the "Username" and "Your message" lines. Whatever you type into the "Post subject" line, there is no impact on your replies and posts, while there is not even any good reason for it, so I think it would be the best to be also removed.

Edit: The first thing also occurs in the "Site Issues" section.
Nice analysis
Prefix was a feature we tried but for the most part members didn't use it properly so it has fallen into disuse. It won't be disabled because Mods use it in the report torrents section.

"here" is a clickable link which takes you to the place you can post new tutorials.

There is no harm having the field, or even clicking on include your signature. The field is still there we have just hidden it on the page you were able to update it. When it comes to modifying apps, where modifications have to be carried forward through upgrades, less is more.

Again, we have suppressed the display of the subject line, but the functionality is core and it still works. Leaving it does no harm and makes future maintenance easier. It is also, in some rare cases--where you reply to a post with a title which is at the limit of the field length--necessary to manually truncate the title to get your reply accepted (as the system adds "re: " to the front of your reply.
I did not suggested to disable the "Prefix" feature, but to fix it. As I already said in my first post, there is currently only one option available for selecting as prefix at "Thread Subject" instead of two.

In that case, I would say that it would be nice the description to be made more clear if it is possible. I would suggest to change the sentence into: Add new tutorials at the subsection Other.

There is no particular harm, but the field itself without the system is kinda misleading. And in my opinion it is always better normal members to not see anything more than they should to. That is because they are not so familiar with the site stuff as much you [the staff members] are. What means, they can easily misunderstood things and get confused.

I share the same opinion about the fourth thing as for the third. And I think that few characters does not make some big difference in such long posts, while you could just increase the limit of characters per post if that is really an issue.

But of course, you have the final say about all of this. I am just talking here.
As I already said in my first post, people didn't use it even when there were other options. We used to have options for pastebay, bayimg, baywords, etc. We're not going to waste time maintaining features which people have elected not to use.

Your opinions, as a newcomer, are refreshing. But they are uninformed. That nobody else has ever raised such concerns in the years in which the features have existed suggests that the issues are not as significant as you, personally, in your 4 days with us, consider them to be. If you wish to hold to them now that you have been informed, that is your prerogative.
(Nov 24, 2015, 17:45 pm)D1vergent Wrote: When you are making a new thread at "Post Options" there is a preference "Include your signature", which I think that should be removed. Since I joined to the community of SuprBay, I have never seen anyone with signature on the forum, nor an option for it in my User Control Panel, so I presume the signature system had been removed before some time I got here, which means this just has probably been missed during the process of removal.

When you select the "Reply" feature on any member's post, or when you edit a post in "Full Edit" mode, that redirects you to another web-page what contains also "Post Subject" line between the "Username" and "Your message" lines. Whatever you type into the "Post subject" line, there is no impact on your replies and posts, while there is not even any good reason for it, so I think it would be the best to be also removed.

Removing both of those simply for ascetic reasons is not worth the effort.
Well, I already stated that these are minor things, as you can see at the thread title. While, it is your call if they are worth implementing. It is totally up to you what you want to do in your free time. I am aware of that I do not have a right for more than expressing myself. I just hoped there is a more passionate staff member with decent programming skills who would like to take interest into these ideas. But as the things are, it is quite obvious that they will end up being thrown at the ocean.

Anyway, thank you both for responding!
And we thank you so much for taking the time to try to help pirates everywhere by bringing your expertise to bear on reviewing our forum for us. We're sorry that we have disappointed you and accept that our addiction to intoxicants and fornication outweighs our interest in fixing every single tiny flaw in this otherwise perfect creation.

Anyway, now that we have established that we can do passive aggressive bullshit even better than you can I think we're done here. /closed

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