Site theme
my suggestion is a brown color theme for this site, but also for,
but why not a rainbow theme also, it is softer on the eye than black text on white background,
i mean, common you have this theme for the menu/welcome bar, but not for the rest of
the webpage, or maybe you do that on purpose, because you earn some money
from glasses resealer or something like that?
If you really cannot do 1 or 2 themes for the site, then i might eventually do a
theme for stylus, i know it will be nice.
Respect the authority of the force. PISS OF ....
just making a post so my account won't get deleted. cool idea tho, i like dark mode better. an alt you could use in the meantime is dark reader:
available on most browsers (except opera and vivaldi)
the reason thepiratebay design is so light weight is to keep all kinds of hack methods and crashers from having any effect on them more memory usage more image more font even == hack attack vector. and its typically derived by the strength of the host(the tenacity of the server). i personally have an army of hack tools(320 gigabytes and if you know the size of hack tools thats alot of them) and there are some NASTY ones that you can trigger just by having more than2 megabytes of data on the front page. most thin clients etcetera try to keep it under 1000 kilobytes of data for the front page.. yadda yadda yadda.
I understand the reasoning of keeping the design so light weight. Still I think dark mode would be great Big Grin
(Aug 20, 2022, 07:14 am)mikemetal Wrote: I understand the reasoning of keeping the design so light weight. Still I think dark mode would be great Big Grin

I agree 100% with you. I feel dark modes are less tiring for the eyes.
I like dark mode but for pirate sites I think light mode helps to give a "clean" vibe. So I am against, or it should be toggable not default.
I agree with the suggestion of having a brown/darker color theme for the website. Darker colors help me reduce eye strain and creates a more visually pleasing experience for everyone.

Lots of ready-made styles to chose from.
Styles are editable and shareable.

(Dec 06, 2023, 10:06 am)kron Wrote: Try:

Lots of ready-made styles to chose from.
Styles are editable and shareable.


Actually recently updated, open source, and licensed under the GPL.
Checks all boxes for me Heart Thanks for the recommendation.

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