Simcity offline confirmed!!

Guys its finally happening, the next major update will include an offline mode for simcity so im hoping now people can crack the full game and post it on piratebay, I unfortunately already spent the money to buy the game but for all the people who have been playing off vulpezedra's crack should be happy you get the full game now.
I thought we had offline mode, albight an annoying one? Tongue

I was thinkinh of buying the game and then use vulpezedra's offline mode, but then i would've given EA my money BEFORe they fixed it,
(Jan 13, 2014, 10:26 am)Q91 Wrote: I thought we had offline mode, albight an annoying one? Tongue

I was thinkinh of buying the game and then use vulpezedra's offline mode, but then i would've given EA my money BEFORe they fixed it,

I really appreciate the work vulpezedra did but you could only do so much in that game before your city was doomed
Pirates rejoice XD .

In real life, you want your cities to have a strong internet pipe plugged into their veins. Anyone who lives in, or even occasionally visits, the arse-end of nowhere - or "the countryside", as it's officially called - will be aware of the frequent frustration of attempting to massage a game update into their computers just a few stray kilobytes at a time. For fictional cities, it can be less desirable - which is something Maxis found out when they released the online-only SimCity last year. But after denials, equivocation, and light teasers, they've finally confirmed that an offline singleplayer mode will be available with the release of the game's next update.

"Offline is coming as a free download with Update 10 to all SimCity players," states Patrick Buechner, the general manager of the Maxis Emeryville studio. "When we launch it, all of your previously downloaded content will be available to you anytime, anywhere, without the need for an internet connection. We are in the late phases of wrapping up its development and while we want to get it into your hands as soon as possible, our priority is to make sure that it’s as polished as possible before we release it. So, until then… testing, testing and more testing."

Currently, there's no date for the update's release. Buechner reveals that, as part of its testing phase, it will be trialled by the DevTesters - a collection of volunteer "hardcore players", who will be making sure it works before the general release.

"In Update 10, you can still play solo in Regions on your own, or in Multiplayer with people from around the world, Buechner continues. "What’s new is the Single Player Mode, which allows you to play the game Offline by yourself. And because your saved games in this mode are stored locally, you can save and load to your heart’s content."

Aside from the obvious changes, an offline mode will also go a long way towards relaxing the restrictions placed on the recently introduced modding support. "[Modders] can now make modifications to the game and its components without compromising the integrity of the Online game," writes Buechner. With any luck, this will mean a collection of mods more significant than the palette swaps enabled through the current restrictive system.

While Maxis had previously hinted at the possibility of offline support, it's still something of a surprise to see it happen. In part, that's because of the studio's own statements, like an infamous tweet explaining how, thanks to the game supposedly simulating an entire region, offline was "just not possible".
SimCity 'offline' game to be released as free download

[Image: fqTwY5b.jpg]
The last version of SimCity was online-only, but it was beset by problems

The makers of SimCity have announced they are to release an offline version of the game.

The news comes after repeated problems with the launch of the most recent release of the city-building game, which required players to be online.

Requiring connection to the internet was seen as an attempt to curb piracy, but some users struggled to log in.

The new offline version will be available to all players as a free download once testing is completed.

SimCity had been a stand-alone game up until March 2013, when a new online-only version was released.

The launch was beset by problems, with many gamers reportedly waiting 30 minutes or more before they could start to construct a city.

Others said the game was sluggish once they were playing, that it was slow to respond to changes, and it often crashed.

'Polished as possible'

Electronics Arts (EA), which owns SimCity creator Maxis, apologised for the problems and said a lot more people had logged on than it had expected.

It called the launch "dumb" and offered a free game to those who had been affected.

At the time of the reported problems, Lucy Bradshaw, head of Maxis, said an offline, single-player mode did not fit with its "vision" for the urban-planning game and that many people preferred the online multi-player version.

But in a blog post this weekend, Patrick Buechner, general manager of Maxis, said: "Let's get right to it. SimCity offline is coming! I've wanted to say those words for quite some time."

"When we launch it, all of your previously downloaded content will be available to you anytime, anywhere, without the need for an internet connection."

He also said that an offline version would allow users to make modifications to the game and its components without compromising the integrity of the online game.

"Modding is a big part of our studio's legacy and we're excited to see what you guys create," he said.

Graham Smith, writing on the gaming website Rock Paper Shotgun, said the announcement was good news.

"The offline mode is a real boon to the community. If you've got no internet connection or just a shaky one, this is the difference between being able to play the game and not," he said.

Mr Buechner said that Maxis was in the late stages of wrapping up development of the offline version and in a nod to the previous launch added that "while we want to get it into your hands as soon as possible, our priority is to make sure that it's as polished as possible before we release it".

The offline game will come as a free download with update 10 and will be available to all SimCity players.


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