Sandboxie help
Hello everyone. Smile
I have sandboxie 3.60 installed on windows 7 (32 bit = x86) and would like to have a newer version, preferably 5.0 and up.
I downloaded 6/7 different versions from The Pirate Bay and installed them on a virtual machine and had no luck, deleted a lot of virtual machines after each attempt. I even tried deviating from the instructions again with no luck.
I have the feeling that I'm doing something wrong but have no idea what that might be.
Please help me If you can.
Maybe giving me info where I can download a version of sanboxie that you know works or giving me more detailed instructions?
Thank you in advance. Smile

P.S. This is the contents of one of the instruction files:

1. Install Sandboxie completely, wait for it to launch then close it
2a. For x86 systems: run keygen_by_uuk, simply press patch and reboot
2b. For x64 systems only:
- make sure UAC is disabled
- run dseo13b (Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider)
- click Enable Test Mode, click next, then OK
- click Sign a System file, click next and enter the following in the dialog box: C:\Program Files\Sandboxie\SbieDrv.sys
- click OK, wait for the success message, click OK
- now click Exit and Next
- reboot
3. Run keygen_by_uuk and fill in fields as follows
- Version: enter 5.12
- Syscode: click the [...] button and paste the value in the Syscode field
- Time: set an expiration date in format yyyy/mm/dd, for example 20161231
- Path: C:\Program Files\Sandboxie
- Click Activate

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