Jun 11, 2017, 16:44 pm
Greetings fellow earthlings,
in my mind an idea has rattled for the longest time - can you kick start (verb) knowledge in our digital age we find ourselves in? Can the relevant information be condensed and available in a package which if consumed would impart the individual with the knowledge to tackle the life with a solid understanding of the natural world and armed with the critical thinking to successfully navigate the human one? Libraries have in past existed as repositories of knowledge to be protected ( clerical libraries of private collections) or available en-masse ( public libraries and universities) behind a small donation.
As the scope of materials available to us nowadays boggle the mind I propose a small project to catalyze the neurons and provide a strong foundation for a knowledgeable citizen and only at the cost of the movable electrons.
What would this package entail?
For the first run I would propose a collection on 10 books on the select categories:
Computer Science
Each section would comprise of digital written materials like textbooks, books or other relevant materials in the style of it ( knowledge foundation, exploration of new ideas, critics ).
The final package offered a torrent download, of course.
Would anyone be willing to participate ( research, section moderation, torrent packaging )?
I welcome your ideas, proposals, critics or in the worst case...emojis.
a fellow human.
in my mind an idea has rattled for the longest time - can you kick start (verb) knowledge in our digital age we find ourselves in? Can the relevant information be condensed and available in a package which if consumed would impart the individual with the knowledge to tackle the life with a solid understanding of the natural world and armed with the critical thinking to successfully navigate the human one? Libraries have in past existed as repositories of knowledge to be protected ( clerical libraries of private collections) or available en-masse ( public libraries and universities) behind a small donation.
As the scope of materials available to us nowadays boggle the mind I propose a small project to catalyze the neurons and provide a strong foundation for a knowledgeable citizen and only at the cost of the movable electrons.
What would this package entail?
For the first run I would propose a collection on 10 books on the select categories:
Computer Science
Each section would comprise of digital written materials like textbooks, books or other relevant materials in the style of it ( knowledge foundation, exploration of new ideas, critics ).
The final package offered a torrent download, of course.
Would anyone be willing to participate ( research, section moderation, torrent packaging )?
I welcome your ideas, proposals, critics or in the worst case...emojis.
a fellow human.