Programmer Mega Book Pack: Part II
I found this torrent on Demonoid, and it's not seeded. Even after adding 50+ trackers, it's still stalled. I desperately want it. Anyone have it? I would appreciate it more than I can describe.

| +---1_Principles of Programming Languages
| | | Design Concepts in Programming Languages (MIT, 200.pdf
| | | Essentials of Programming Languages 3e (MIT, 200.pdf
| | | History of Programming Languages.pdf
| | | The Anatomy Of Programming Languages.pdf
| | |
| | \---Video Lectures
| | | Bjarne Stroustroup - The New C++ Standard.avi
| | |
| | +---Stanford - Lecture 1 - Programming Abstractions
| | | | Lecture 1 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 10 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 11 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 12 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 13 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 14 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 15 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 16 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 17 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 18 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 19 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 2 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 20 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 21 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 22 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 23 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 24 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 25 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 26 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 27 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 3 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 4 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 5 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 6 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 7 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 8 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | | Lecture 9 - Programming Abstractions (Stanford).flv
| | | |
| | | \---ProgrammingAbstractions
| | | ProgrammingAbstractions.7z
| | |
| | \---Stanford - Lecture 2 - Programming Paradigms
| | | Lecture 1 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 10 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford.flv
| | | Lecture 11 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 12 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 13 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 14 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 15 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 16 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 17 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 18 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 19 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 2 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 20 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 21 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 23 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 24 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 25 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 26 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 27 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 3 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 4 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 5 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 6 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 7 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 8 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | | Lecture 9 - Programming Paradigms (Stanford).flv
| | |
| | \---ProgrammingParadigms
| | ProgrammingParadigms.7z
| |
| +---2_Theory of Computation
| | An Introduction To The Theory Of Computation (1989 Gurari).pdf
| | Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation.pdf
| |
| +---3_Graph Theory
| | Combinatorics and Graph Theory.pdf
| | Graph Theory With Applications - J. Bondy, U. Murty.pdf
| | Graphs and Applications An Introductory Approach.djvu
| | Graphs, Algorithms and Optimization.pdf
| |
| +---4_Compiler Design
| | | Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation.djvu
| | | Aho - Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools 2e.pdf
| | | An Introduction To Compiler Construction - Waite Carter.djvu
| | | Basics of Compiler Design.pdf
| | | Compiler Design In C - Holub.djvu
| | | Compiler Techniques - Pollack.djvu
| | | Engineering a Compiler.pdf
| | | Linkers and Loaders.djvu
| | | Modern Compiler Implementation in C - Andrew W. Appel.djvu
| | | Object-Oriented Compiler Construction - Holmes.djvu
| | | Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide, 2nd Edition, Springer (200.pdf
| | | Parsing Techniques.pdf
| | | Regular Expressions Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2009).pdf
| | | The Design And Construction Of Compilers - Hunter.djvu
| | | The Theory And Practice Of Compiler Writing - Tremblay Sorenson.djvu
| | | Understanding and Writing Compilers.pdf
| | | Writing Interactive Compilers And Interpreters - Brown.djvu
| | |
| | \---Regular Expressions
| | Beginning Regular Expressions.pdf
| | Mastering Regular Expressions - O'Reilly.pdf
| | Parsing Techniques.pdf
| |
| +---5_Discrete Mathematics
| | | A Walk Through Combinatorics - An Introduction to Enumeration and Graph Theory 2e (WorldSci, 2006).pdf
| | | An Introduction to Optimization 2e (Wiley, 2001).pdf
| | | An Invitation to Discrete Mathematics.pdf
| | | Combinatorial Algorithms. Generation, Enumeration, and Search.djvu
| | | Combinatorics - Topics, Techniques and Algorithms - P. Cameron.djvu
| | | Combinatorics and Graph Theory 2e (Springer, 200.pdf
| | | Combinatorics for Computer Science (1985).djvu
| | | Combinatorics of Permutations (CRC, 2004).pdf
| | | Discrete Mathematics - Yale.pdf
| | | Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientist and Mathematicians.djvu
| | | Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications (2005).pdf
| | | Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science (2005).pdf
| | | Mathematical Programming - Theory and Methods (Elsevier, 2006).djvu
| | | Mathematics for Algorithm and System Analysis.pdf
| | | Matrix Computations 3e (Hopkins, 1996).djvu
| | | Practical Optimization - Algorithms and Engineering Applications (Springer, 2007).pdf
| | | Pyramid Algorithms - A Dynamic Programming Approach to Curves and Surfaces for Geometric Modeling (Morgan, 2002).pdf
| | |
| | +---Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists
| | | Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1.pdf
| | | Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2.pdf
| | |
| | +---Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics - Ralph P Grimaldi
| | | Ralph P Grimaldi - Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics - Solutions.djvu
| | | Ralph P Grimaldi - Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics.djvu
| | |
| | +---Discrete Mathematics and its Applications - Rosen 6th Ed
| | | ch01.pdf
| | | ch02.pdf
| | | ch03.pdf
| | | ch04.pdf
| | | ch05.pdf
| | | ch06.pdf
| | | ch07.pdf
| | | ch08.pdf
| | | ch09.pdf
| | | ch10.pdf
| | | ch11.pdf
| | | ch12.pdf
| | | Discrete Mathematics and its Applications - Rosen 6th Ed.pdf
| | |
| | \---Video Lecture
| | \---Discrete Mathematics
| | | 00. Professor Bio.avi
| | | 01. What Is Discrete Mathematics.avi
| | | 02. Basic Concepts of Combinatorics.avi
| | | 03. The 12-Fold Way of Combinatorics.avi
| | | 04. Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem.avi
| | | 05. Advanced Combinatorics-Multichoosing.avi
| | | 06. The Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion.avi
| | | 07. Proofs-Inductive, Geometric, Combinatorial.avi
| | | 08. Linear Recurrences and Fibonacci Numbers.avi
| | | 09. Gateway to Number Theory-Divisibility.avi
| | | 10. The Structure of Numbers.avi
| | | 11. Two Principles-Pigeonholes and Parity.avi
| | | 12. Modular Arithmetic-The Math of Remainders.avi
| | | 13. Enormous Exponents and Card Shuffling.avi
| | | 14. Fermat's ''Little'' Theorem and Prime Testing.avi
| | | 15. Open Secrets-Public Key Cryptography.avi
| | | 16. The Birth of Graph Theory.avi
| | | 17. Ways to Walk-Matrices and Markov Chains.avi
| | | 18. Social Networks and Stable Marriages.avi
| | | 19. Tournaments and King Chickens.avi
| | | 20. Weighted Graphs and Minimum Spanning Trees.avi
| | | 21. Planarity-When Can a Graph Be Untangled.avi
| | | 22. Coloring Graphs and Maps.avi
| | | 23. Shortest Paths and Algorithm Complexity.avi
| | | 24. The Magic of Discrete Mathematics.avi
| | | Discrete Mathematics (Course Starter Materials).mht
| | | Discrete Mathematics (Detailed Description).mht
| | |
| | \---Discrete Mathematics (Guidebook)
| | Discrete Mathematics (Guidebook).7z
| |
| +---6_Multicore Programming
| | How to Write Parallel Programs - A First Course - MIT Press.pdf
| | Intel Threading Building Blocks - Oreilly.pdf
| | Modern Multithreading - Implementing, Testing and Debugging Multithreaded Java and C pthreads Win32 Programs.pdf
| | Parallel Programming for Multicore and Cluster Systems.pdf
| | Parallel Scientific Computing in C++ and MPI.pdf
| | Patterns for Parallel Programming.pdf
| | Professional Multicore Programming - Design and Implementation for C++ Developers.pdf
| | Programming Massively Parallel Processors.pdf
| | Sourcebook of Parallel Computing.pdf
| | The Art of Multiprocessor Programming [SMP] (Morgan, 200.pdf
| |
| +---7_Technical Papers
| | BigTable.pdf
| | MapReduce.pdf
| | Selected Papers on Computer Science - Donald E. Knuth.pdf
| | The Google File System.pdf
| |
| \---8_Design
| Event Processing in Action.pdf
| Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design A Brain Friendly Guide to OOA&D.pdf
| Object Oriented Constructin Handbook.pdf
| Object Oriented Software Composition.pdf
| Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code.chm
| The Design of Design - Essays from a Computer Scientist.pdf
| The Unified Modeling Language User Guide 2nd Ed.chm
| Computer Networking & Hardware Concepts - Nurul I. Sarkar.pdf
| Computer Networks - A Systems Approach.pdf
| Firewall Fundamentals.chm
| Howard - 19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (McGraw, 2005).chm
| Illustrated TCP IP - A Graphic Guide To The Protocol Suite.chm
| IP Addressing And Subnetting - Including IPv6 (2000).chm
| Network Processors - Architecture, Programming, and Implementation.pdf
| Networking Self-teaching Guide.pdf
| Practical TCP IP and Ethernet Networking.pdf
| TCP IP Clearly Explained.pdf
| TCP IP Complete.pdf
| TCP IP Foundations.pdf
| TCP IP Illustrated Volume 1 - Richard Stevens.chm
| TCP IP Illustrated Volume 2 - The Implementation.chm
| TCP IP Sockets in C.pdf
| The Linux TCP IP Stack - Networking for Embedded Systems.pdf
| The TCP IP Guide.pdf
| Understanding TCP IP.pdf
| Cryptography For Developers.pdf
| Cryptography In C And C++.chm
+---3_Digital Signal Processing
| C Algorithm For Real-time DSP.pdf
| Digital Filter Designer's Handbook.pdf
| Digital Image Processing.pdf
| Digital Signal Processing - An Experimental Approach.pdf
| Digital Signal Processing Handbook.pdf
| Digital Signal Processing Solution Manual.pdf
| DSP - Introduction To Signal Processing (Code In C & Matlab).rar
| Numerical Methods.pdf
| Real Time Digital Signal Processing.pdf
| Signals Samples and Stuff - a DSP Primer.pdf
| The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to DSP.pdf
| Theory and Applications of Digital Image Processing.pdf
| Understanding Digital Signal Processing.pdf
| Understanding the Fast Fourier Transform.pdf
| A Practical Guide To Video And Audio Compression.pdf
| A-list CD Cracking Uncovered - Protection Against Unsanctioned CD Copying.chm
| A-LIST, Hacker Disassembling Uncovered 2003.chm
| Buffer Overflow Attacks - Detect, Exploit, Prevent (2005).pdf
| CD And DVD Forensics (2006).pdf
| Computer Security Basics.chm
| Design Concepts With Code - A Developer Approach.chm
| Disassembling Code - IDA Pro And SoftICE.chm
| Dissecting the Hack - The F0rb1dd3n Network.pdf
| Ethical Hacking.chm
| Find The Bug - A Book Of Incorrect Programs.chm
| Hacker Disassembling Uncovered (2003).chm
| Hardware Hacking - Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty.pdf
| Petzold - Annotated Turing (Wiley, 200.pdf
| Practical Hacking Techniques & Countermeasures.pdf
| Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code.pdf
| Reversing - Secrets of Reverse Engineering.pdf
| The Art Of Exploitation 2003.chm
| The Art Of Intrusion - The Real Stories Behind The Exploits Of Hackers, Intruders, And Deceivers.pdf
| The IDA Pro Book The Unofficial Guide.pdf
| Upgrading and Repairing PCs -17th Edition.chm
| Windows Vista Annoyances Tips, Secrets, and Solutions.pdf
| A Guide To Latex.pdf
| Gratzer - Math into LaTeX - Introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX (Birkhauser, 1996).pdf
| Greenberg - Simplified Introduction to LaTeX (1999).pdf
| Knuth - The TeXbook (AMS, 1991).pdf
| Learning Latex.pdf
| Mittelbach - The LaTeX Companion 2e (AW, 2004).djvu
| The LaTeX Companion - Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting 2nd Ed.pdf
| XML Programming Bible.pdf
+---7_Web Programming
| Microsoft IIS 7 Implementation and Administration.pdf
| Pro ASP.NET 4 in CSharp 2010.pdf
| Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework.pdf
| Professional ASP.NET MVC 2.pdf
| Professional IIS 7 and ASP .NET Integrated Programming.pdf
| Professional IIS 7.pdf
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know.pdf
Being Geek.pdf
Build Your Own Firefox Extension.pdf
Data Compression The Complete Reference, 3ed.pdf
Encyclopedia of Optimization.pdf
Excel 2007 VBA Macro.pdf
Hackers - Heroes of the Computer Revolution.pdf
Hackers and Painters.pdf
Introduction to Data Compression.pdf
Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1.pdf
Programming Google App Engine.pdf
The Old New Thing.pdf
The Pentium Chronicles.djvu
USB Complete The Developer's Guide 4th Ed.pdf

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