Primitive Wars + expansion The Ranker
Primitive Wars + expansion The Ranker

You can find most info on this page with pictures : (scroll down)

"The sequel to the prehistoric RTS by TRiC shows undeniable influence by Starcraft. The result is a much more typical RTS, ressources don't have to be hunted manually, anymore, but are harvested automatically. Soldiers can still pick up meat from killed animals, but is is used simply for healing. Weapons and armor aren't equipped individually, instead once researched give a bonus to all corresponding troops.

The eight merging clans, the most peculiar feature of the first game, also have been replaced by four RTS races in the standard sense. Back are the primitive humans and the Tyrano, which now don't just ride on dinosaurs, but are retconned into antropomorphic lizards themselves. A sorceress unit from the original is expanded into its own race of elves, while the demons are entirely new.

The game has been released in Europe as Primitive Wars by Arxel Tribes. More than a year after the game's release, Wizard Soft has put out the expansion The Ranker. "
Anyone ?

Well someone has the original game here :

But i still request the expansion. Somebody must have it. The Ranker.

Thank you !
(Feb 21, 2014, 07:18 am)SolarBlade Wrote: Anyone ?

Well someone has the original game here :

But i still request the expansion. Somebody must have it. The Ranker.

Thank you !


I could not find the actual expansion, but this guy has posted a walkthrough of the Ranker online. It seems the korean version actually features voice acting too!

I think it'd be a better idea to start searching for the korean version using google translate.

Also, found this neat page that details some of the new units and translates their names, as well as provides the rather long trailer.

I have yet to find a torrent of the english game that has cinematics, even... were they like this? Pretty good for its time.

Got the Ranker, this seems to be a bigger, ISO version - I also found another version that has no cinematics. Must say, this is VERY different from the main game. For starters, your units gain HP as well as attack and defense when levelling up, making it more useful to hunt with your troops and level them up instead of churning out new units, as the veterans are more durable. I have even come to name my Tyranos as Grimlock and my main TwinVelocis as Dinobot... Smile

I have not yet gotten this installed, as it gives me an error message with one of the map files. I'll try to edit the ISO and delete that file.
EDIT: That worked. use PowerISO ir something, and remove the two files from Maps/etc. that have Korean characters in the file name (or rename them). Patch also works! Game runs fine and I can finally see the cinematics too.

Twinramphos can now (as it should have been, logically) attack, though only air units. A much needed anti-air for the Tyranos. Also, all races received racial skills powered by consumption of food. Tyranos have a green clawed leg icon (researched at the Nest), clicking it will speed up all troops, aerial or land, making them move faster while food is available. Demon units have a Shield ability, by consuming food they slightly increase their defense.
Another funny thing that might be unique to the Korean game is the "item shop" building - you can purchase various rings and amulets and healing herbs that units can pick up, they either provide bonuses or special abilities (useable once only), or heal the unit when consumed - their icons appear under the unit's name. There is also a "book" that costs 300 berries and grants whoever uses it 30 experience points. Smile

As it is korean, I understand nothing from the story. But, I can tell you about the new units are. For the Tyranos, at least!

First we have the Twinpteras - created from merging two Pteras, is available after the Air unit upgrade building. They are 4-winged giant dragonlike beasts much like the Banshees (Ikran) in Avatar. They are a slow aerial bombardment unit, having long enough range to attack turrets out of range, much like the Guardians in Starcraft. Their damage may not seem big (20), but they spit fireballs that do area damage and set buildings and units ablaze, damaging them even after the initial blast. Apart from aerial units and Red Elves with Lightning, I found that a group of 6 level 5-7 Twinpteras can tear through a whole enemy base without trouble.

[Image: 00000051.jpg]

This download also contains some developer tools, including extractors and editors, pretty useful.
OK thank you so much !

Going to try to install 542 Mb version you posted on Google docs.

An acquaintance needs it.
(Sep 21, 2014, 19:02 pm)SolarBlade Wrote: OK thank you so much !

Going to try to install 542 Mb version you posted on Google docs.

If you figure out what the new spells/special abilties of the new units are, let me know. The demons have a succubus, but I could not find out what her spells do.

Also, in the Ranker your units gain HP too when they level up - I noticed this doesn't happen in the original game. I wonder if I can change the programming somehow to make this possible there as well, as it makes low-level units viable for the whole game, as well.
The hp thing and level up comes from the first Jurassic War game where that type of leveling was the core mechanics of the game. Probably people didn't like the Jurassic War II mechanics so they changed it in the expansion to resemble the first game which was exceptional for its time.

Try it out :

If i remove the two maps or rename them the game won't install.
Do i have to keep them in the .iso ? Or can i copy the files into a folder and try to install it from there ?

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