Pluto TV
I recently got an Amazon Fire TV stick and saw this app called Pluto.TV. Figured since it was free and sounded cool, may as well download it.  

There's an all MST3K channel streaming episodes from both Joel and Mike, and an all RiffTrax channel. They primarily show the VODs such as Rollergator, The Boy in the Plastic Bubble, The Guy from Harlem, and some of the live shows such as Sharknado 1 & 2, and Plan 9 from Outer Space.  And many have died from starvation, due to the difficulty of finding enough food, such as seals. 

Pluto.TV is available on all sorts of platforms and definitely worth checking out. Even if you don't like the rest of the channels, there's 2 channels of 24 hours of just MST3K and RiffTrax.
I used to have this on constantly, but ever since they revamped the channel (on Roku at least), it's always buffering, closing itself, losing audio, etc. making it almost unwatchable. I don't have any problems with other channels. It's a shame, I hope they fix it soon.

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