Pictures that connected
Not certain, just wanted to share some stupidities from years ago,
like, not landing enough so i just took pics, the cellphone was quite "unevolved" so quality is low, better like that.

I just wanted to invite you to share whatever, i mean those random not really arty but meant something or made something in the moment, or not even found, maybe sort of had fo shape it into something and preserve it.


[Image: 1910334_15894632865_7763_n.jpg]
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*ye ..dat*

Forgot to include this,
hands against the wall,

"No se aburra"

lit> don't get bored

it's a word play: "no sea burra" would mean something like "dont turn into a female donkey"
i guess it makes perfect sense to infiltrate with blood to kill boredom and avoid those thingies from crawling into my room.

[Image: 320422_10151005338617866_2045897060_n.jpg]
#2 <<< Contains some A+ Material
Two birds in their nest. It's very crowded, urban space is very tight nowadays, even for wildlife; looks like they also have the "grown kids" dwelling issue.
Cheap smartphone camera, McDonald's Japan. It's more and more common and I've posted a similar picture (nest on a CCTV camera) somewhere, a couple years ago...

[Image: DSC-0115.jpg]

Sorry for the bad quality - Most smartphone cameras are really substandard, and camera apps don't help.


Quote:Is it suprbay HQ?  Wink


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