[ PC ] X Rebirth v1.24 and v1.25 !! 3.31 GB RePack
[Image: content_x_rebirth_logo.gif]

X Rebirth [v 1.24] & [v 1.25] (2013) PC | RePack z10yded

Big Grin Torrent link 3.31 GBBig Grin: http://kickass.to/x-rebirth-v1-24-repack...71927.html

Big Grin Torrent link 3.31 GBBig Grin: http://bigtorrent.org/engine/download.php?id=387852

You need to download whole game with integrated patch v1.24. Simply instal it by clicking setup.exe and enjoy the game with newest patch 1.24
(For faster download you can uncheck folder named Bonus)
By clikcing on "GameUpdater.exe" in X rebirth folder. You can update game to ver 1.25. And maybe this will also work for future patches.
Patch 1.24 and 1.25 with GameUpdater.exe

Exclamation If you like this torrent please leave a positive comment on Exclamation

Patch 1.24 - 2014-02-04

Includes changes from Patch 1.23 that was not released outside the Beta process.

• New feature: Manual target control with keys for target nearest crosshair, closest enemy and next/previous target. Further improvements planned.
• New feature: Logbook system covering non-plot missions, player ships, discounts/commissions and game tips. Logging of a wider range of events planned.
• Added shipyard to Gemstone Manufacture.
• Added escort fighters to some capital ships.
• Increased Pirate, Reiver and Xenon activity for more action.
• Increased yields for mining regions in DeVries and Maelstrom.
• Fixed error causing map to suddenly close under certain circumstances.
• Fixed more causes of being teleported into the middle of nowhere on loading a savegame.
• Fixed cases where destroying a ship could result in the target element not getting removed.
• Improved update frequency of target elements.
• Fixed cargo collection mode.
• Fixed mining ships collecting ware containers.
• Fixed builder ships not being able to trade with stations reliably.
• Fixed one problem with building restarting when player not present (another build issue remains).
• Added filtering by station/ship in trade offer menu.
• Added Hire option with negative response for certain NPCs.
• Prevented certain plot ships from being sold.
• Fixed problem with timing of money transfer to/from manager.
• Added means for NPCs to return to player ship from assignments.
• Fixed marines not showing up in player ship units.
• Fixed builder ship menu not updating player account.
• Fixed negative total yield amounts for asteroid fields.
• Fixed more inconsistencies in weapon counts.
• Fixed drone count calculation for ship trader.
• Fixed several issues with active mission/guidance info being disabled.
• Fixed missing/incorrect highway names in mission objectives.
• Fixed assigning a ship to a station without a manager.
• Removed "taglauncher" from encyclopedia.
• Removed civilian factions from encyclopedia.
• Fixed several encyclopedia layout issues.
• Fixed several issues with build/repair drones.
• Fixed incorrect cargo prediction based on shopping list data under certain circumstances.
• Fixed trade menus not keeping track of selected ship in some cases.
• Added default "protect" behaviour for ships in your squad.
• Improved capital ship fight behaviour.
• Fixed problem with ships not attacking.
• Fixed enemies not attacking correct target in certain circumstances.
• Fixed another cause of jumping ships ending up in invalid positions.
• Fixed player ship sometimes being in the wrong place after undocking.
• Fixed problem with engineer sometimes being paid twice for player ship repairs.
• Fixed incorrect player engine price calculation.
• Fixed incorrect weapon counts in ship menu.
• Ships working for a station no longer sell wares to their homebase (goods just transferred, no money involved).
• Shipyards and fuel stations should no longer run out of resources (may take a while to take effect).
• Fixed cargo drones bumping into hull of mining ships and blocking trade.
• Reduced likelihood of mining ships transferring more minerals to a station than it wants.
• Added hotkey for docking (Shift-D by default).
• Fixed welder drones appearing in property menu.
• Fixed "keycode NNN" appearing in Options menu.
• Fixed problem remapping keys used in Detail Monitor (C, I and G)
• Changed resource cost for ship-building in Omicron Lyrae
• Changed ships available for construction in DeVries
• Fixed URV Wharf module in Integrative URV Forge not producing drones
• Fixed scan sound being replayed for something that has already been scanned.
• Fixed scan highlighting not being properly removed when leaving cockpit.
• Fixed trade missions not completing.
• Fixed problem resulting in player getting stuck in Canteran air ducts.
• Fixed floating crate on Albion platform interior.
• Fixed floating ad signs and incorrect traffic at DeVries wheat station.
• Fixed DeVries shipyard interior orientation.
• Fixed lights in prison being too dark.
• Fixed bench obstructing hangar entrance of DeVries repair platform.
• Fixed NPC stuck in locker on DeVries repair dock.
• Fixed not being able to take cases out of cardboard boxes.
• Improved Russian localisation.
• Improved support for Chinese text.
• Fixed another problem with borderless window mode on certain hardware.
• Fixed freeze and memory-related crash caused by ships shooting excessively under certain circumstances.
• Fixed several more causes of crashes.
• More small performance improvements.

Torrent link 3.31 GB: http://bigtorrent.org/engine/download.php?id=387852

You need to download whole game with integrated patch v1.24. Simply instal it by clicking setup.exe and enjoy the game with newest patch 1.24
(For faster download you can uncheck folder named Bonus)

Game link: X-Rebirth
News and Patch Information: for X Rebirth
Patch 1.18 is now LIVE ExclamationExclamationExclamation - 2013-12-02

• Fixed several causes of crashes in-game and when loading savegames.
• Fixed a specific problem resulting in periodic slow-downs.
• Improved general performance (first small improvement only, more to come).
• Fixed several problems resulting in trade ships getting stuck.
• Fixed several problems with ship/drone docking/undocking behaviour.
• Fixed problem with player drone formations.
• Fixed several small localisation issues.
• Improved skill levels for new NPCs.
• Improved readability of entries in interaction menus.
• Improved GPU listing on laptops with multiple GPUs (still some driver-related issues on certain hardware).

X Rebirth Patch 1 18 Final - Toxic.torrent - uploaded by ToXiCCaptain

Enjoy! Smile

Thank you very much fxspin !!!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
X Rebirth Patch 1 19b - Toxic.torrent uploaded by ToXiCCaptain

Patch note 1.19 BETA

• Fixed major slowdown after loading savegames.
• Fixed several more causes of crashes.
• Fixed more cases of trade ships getting stuck.
• Fixed large ships being unable to trade with Canteran station in DeVries.
• Fixed undocking problems after trading.
• Fixed ammunition trade problems.
• Fixed mining drones getting stuck.
• Fixed negative number of drones in cargo.
• Fixed cargo bays containing more wares than they can hold.
• Fixed cockpit animations hanging.
• Fixed problem with targeting player-owned ships.
• Fixed incorrect player position during highway flight.
• Fixed player owned ships being assigned the wrong commander.
• Fixed ships with missing AI functionality.
• Fixed problems with Engineer functionality.
• Improved flight behaviour for boarding and claiming.
• Improved combat behaviour for capital ships.
• Fixed station defence problems.
• Fixed incorrect defence routines being used on ships.
• Fixed switching the AI mode of the Defence Officer.
• Added defend and attack mode options to Defence Officer.
• Rebalanced skills of existing NPCs in line with new ones.
• Rebalanced contents of boxes and other containers on platforms.
• Rebalanced cost of ship and station repair.
• Fixed transport passenger mission getting blocked after cutscene.
• Fixed sounds not stopping sometimes.
• Fixed buttons not working with mouse input.
• Added facility to unmap controls in control mapping menu (press Delete).
• Added video capture mode with ability to switch off cockpit (Expert settings).
• Fixed too many missing extensions breaking the load game menu.
• Several localisation improvements.

- If you like the game, buy it.
- Extract to game dir

is anyone having an issue where letting go of the throttle sets full reverse, but it doesnt cut out when you get to zero speed? it keeps reversing till you're going full reverse?

this may be due to this being a new install for me though, new PC. and i may have installed the patches wrong. i installed v1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20

have i done anything wrong here? or is it just a case of this game being a shambles?
Hey there!! Thanks so much for the updates!!
Wait.. So..
In order for the updates to work most effectively I need to install them in an order?
Because I have 1.16 and I want to install 1.20 right away.
Normally every latest update should contain ALL prior fixes in past updates.
(Dec 18, 2013, 17:52 pm)Unknownman Wrote: Hey there!! Thanks so much for the updates!!
Wait.. So..
In order for the updates to work most effectively I need to install them in an order?
Because I have 1.16 and I want to install 1.20 right away.
Normally every latest update should contain ALL prior fixes in past updates.

The best will be that you will visit
there you can find all updates.
Im not sure if you need to instal all of them in order, but i did instal all of them and game works fine. You can also ask ToXiCCaptain there, he for sure will have answer for your questions.

Also be ready for Patch 1.21 beta Mr. ToXiCCaptain wrote that he will upload the 1.21 this afternoon.

1.23 out
Release Notes

Patch 1.23 RC2

• Added manual target control with keys for closest target, closest enemy and next/previous target.
• Added logbook system. Currently limited to generic missions, but will be extended to cover a much wider range of entries.
• Fixed more causes of crashes.
• Fixed cargo collection mode.
• Fixed problem with building restarting when player not present.
• Fixed cases where destroying a ship could result in the target element not getting removed.
• Improved update frequency of target elements.
• Fixed builder ship menu not updating player account.
• Fixed welder drones appearing in property menu.
• Fixed incorrect weapon counts in ship menu.
• Fixed marines not showing up in player ship units.
• Fixed assigning a ship to a station without a manager.
• Fixed error causing map to suddenly close under certain circumstances.
• Fixed mining ships collecting ware containers.
• Fixed builder ships not being able to trade with stations reliably.
• Fixed several issues with build/repair drones.
• Fixed enemies not attacking correct target in certain circumstances.
• Fixed missing/incorrect highway names in mission objectives.
• Added escort fighters to some capital ships.
• Shipyards and fuel stations should no longer run out of resources (may take a while to take effect).
• Increased Pirate, Reiver and Xenon activity for more action.
• Increased yields for mining regions in DeVries and Maelstrom.
• Improved support for Chinese text.
• More small performance improvements.
(Dec 19, 2013, 06:16 am)fxspin Wrote:
(Dec 18, 2013, 17:52 pm)Unknownman Wrote: Hey there!! Thanks so much for the updates!!
Wait.. So..
In order for the updates to work most effectively I need to install them in an order?
Because I have 1.16 and I want to install 1.20 right away.
Normally every latest update should contain ALL prior fixes in past updates.

The best will be that you will visit
there you can find all updates.
Im not sure if you need to instal all of them in order, but i did instal all of them and game works fine. You can also ask ToXiCCaptain there, he for sure will have answer for your questions.

Also be ready for Patch 1.21 beta Mr. ToXiCCaptain wrote that he will upload the 1.21 this afternoon.


If you click the link you will get this message 503 - Service Not Available
(Jan 20, 2014, 09:06 am)gotenks Wrote:
(Dec 19, 2013, 06:16 am)fxspin Wrote:
(Dec 18, 2013, 17:52 pm)Unknownman Wrote: Hey there!! Thanks so much for the updates!!
Wait.. So..
In order for the updates to work most effectively I need to install them in an order?
Because I have 1.16 and I want to install 1.20 right away.
Normally every latest update should contain ALL prior fixes in past updates.

The best will be that you will visit
there you can find all updates.
Im not sure if you need to instal all of them in order, but i did instal all of them and game works fine. You can also ask ToXiCCaptain there, he for sure will have answer for your questions.

Also be ready for Patch 1.21 beta Mr. ToXiCCaptain wrote that he will upload the 1.21 this afternoon.


If you click the link you will get this message 503 - Service Not Available

Try this new patch 1.23


but i recomend you to use still 1.22 since 1.23 its a bit buggy

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