Organised crime isn't very organised
Organised crime isn't very organised, there is nothing new in the industry really, no gps guided solar powered kayaks crossing the Atlantic loaded with drugs for the scrutinizing drug user. I mean if i were doing this by now we would have a few submarines..... but they would draw too much attention. I still don't get why we havn't really progressed from shipping containers to live vessels...... anyone here agree with me?
Mexican cartels have been using subs for a while now......
first rule of drug trafficking methods is don't talk about your drug trafficking methods.
Dont need boats to cross atlantic with afghan white.

Its what USAF and CIA transports are for..

And with the quantities coming in through the southern (and presumably northern border too), it would be childs play to sneak in a nuke or three.
Some dope containers in a busy harbor are hard to find, like needles in a haystack; freighters will pass the border control, etc, while an unmarked, unidentified vessel won't. So it's just easier to send an apparently legit container stuffed with whatever contraband you whant. Old smuggler's method, as old as canoes.

Another way to smuggle is inside grain / whole hauls, a bigger haystack than a single container, just troublesome to retrieve the packages at the destination.

Also keep in mind disorganization (chaos) is your friend in the game of obfuscation and evasion. Constancy, coherency, clear/cleaness etc are not.
I once.saw a Mexican cartel spaceship. Could of been drunk though
More likely a drone.

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