Oregon Sues Federal Government for Grabbing Protesters in Unmarked Vehicles
I wanted to post this in Soulcity's racism thread, but the discussion went more than a bit off topic there so I'm opening a new topic here.

https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020...marked.amp Wrote:The mayor of Portland blasted the Trump administration Sunday for the way federal agents have been responding to the protests that have engulfed the city over the past weeks. “The tactics that the Trump administration are using on the streets of Portland are abhorrent,” Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said on CNN. “People are being literally scooped off the street into unmarked vans, rental cars, apparently. They are being denied probable cause. And they are denied due process. They don’t even know who’s pulling them into the vans. The people aren’t identifying themselves. And, as far as I can see, this is completely unconstitutional.

Now, to the point. People on this very forum have repeatedly claimed that BLM is a Marxist movement, that they are commies and what not. When poked around a bit the commie scare seems to be about loss of FREEDOM. As guaranteed by the US constitution. And some have more than once claimed their unconditional support of "gunning down the mob". But lets take a look at what is happening here: police following the presidents order are enacting a typical commie police state horror scenario where civilians are taken away in unmarked SUVs. It sounds like something out of the old east block, but it's happening in the land of the free. I would like to know how you freedom lovers justify this?
If they were peaceful protesters, then they are violating te freedoms as much as the thought of the communist political agenda would. Again, no happy medium.

If the protesters were looting and violent...Oh well... That's damage control. I believe in Seattle where they took over part of the city, that could have been an act of war and needed to be squashed. The mayor did NOT want help. They build walls to keep people out and started doing all the stuff they were against. There has got to be a happy balance.

But protesting is part of our rights. Rioting/looting is not. If they were peaceful, then that is wrong. if these people were trouble makers and havoc causers...well, I hope they didn't bang their heads getting thrown into the unmarked vehicles... not really

I'm thinking of the poor innocent PEOPLE (regardless of race) who have to live in fear of these people destroying... That's why I hate the BLM movement. The poor blacks in Chicago have no voice or help because they get shot n the crossfire by black gang members with bad aim (NAS has a song called accident murder) . People live in fear...But since I cop is not involved, oh well. I say Chicago because its a crisis zone... I mean this for any person anywhere.

Like in Connecticut: There were peaceful protests, which I was happy people got off their ass to protest what they think they believed in, but in Waterbury (my old city with the ghetto apartment), they would walk on the highway and stop traffic and throw rocks off the overpass. Those people need to get arrested. also, they just wana start shit. I'm sure they don't GAFF about George Floyd.

This is insane. I'm guessing we're going to see a lot more of this if the Covid situation / economic meltdown in the U.S. continues to get worse, which it probably will. It's pretty clear to me the U.S. political system needs major revamping. It's not functioning anymore, and the U.S. is moving closer and closer to being a fascist state out in the open. This has been brewing for decades, and fascism in the U.S. is not a new thing. The constitution is good but doesn't really deal with the modern world, and there are things that the Founding Fathers could not have anticipated, such as how easy it now is to do surveillance using computer technology.

Even if the constitution dealt with problems like this, it would just get ignored by the psychos in charge. I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume most Americans haven't read the constitution, and that's why they're okay with what's happening.
Really interesting how the state's rights and 2A crowd is pretty much silent on this.  They are probably under the stupid delusion that such an action will never be taken against them.

Getting their lulz watching a bunch of libs getting their asses beat not realizing the dangerous precedent being set.

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