New chips, Win11, AI, what's up?
Intel has been slowly upgrading performance and adding complexity to their chips, forcing AMD to follow; MMX, SSE, etc. But that 10GHz blinking fast pipeline, 128-core CPU with 1GB on-die cache never comes.

MS launched Windows 11 with hardware requirements that put out most pre-existing PCs and recently made it even worse by adding a couple machine instructions to the boot code that only modern CPUs can do, rendering anything else useless. But all those are obviously unnecessary, except to sell more of the new chips, which require new motherboards, leading to entire new PCs.

Now there's the Copilot AI and the Qualcomm chips are killing traditional CPUs. So while MS adds a whole new layer of BS into the world's main system, Intel and AMD are caught by surprise (?) and run to put up something to fit... Another generation of patched and rigged up CPUs. More privacy invasion, and this time we are paying to run it locally?

Can someone explain what is happening? I just want to play games and browse the Internet, WHY would I need an AI thingy that won't be Hal 9000 or Wally? Are they trying to make every PC like Alexa?

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