Needs some recommendations on learning materials.

I'm looking to learn 2 subjects. Sadly I'm not sure where's a good place to start.. Or what's a good source. So some help would be appreciated.

1) I want to learn to speak and read Arab
2) I want to learn about Islam.

This is a good introductory guide to islam:

^^I also recommend you check out that uploaders other islamic torrents.

A qur'an dictionary will help familiarise yourself with some common terms you're bound to come across:

There are some apps and audio to help you start to learn Arabic:

However, if you're serious about learning to speak, read and write the language, you'll progress quicker if you enquire at your local masjid (mosque) who will offer free books and classes, and invaluable learning tools and support. Your local public library will also stock a wealth of learning materials, and there are many websites that'll help you out with free lessons, from basic to advanced.

Studying the Qur'an itself is trickier, because of the amount of mistransliterated works out there. It only takes one word to be mistranslated to change the whole meaning of the book. There are some on TPB, here, but I would specifically try searching for these 3 versions of the Qur'an:

1. Towards understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid A'la Mawdudi (translated and edited by Zafar Ishaq Ansari; The Islamic Foundation)

2. The meaning of the glorious Qur'an - Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall (Islamic Dawah Centre International)

3. Interpretation of the meanings of the noble qur'an in the english language - Dr Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-Hilali, + Dr Muhammad Muhsin Khan. (this last book has quite a few mistranslated words so I would recommend you approach this one once you have another qur'an to compare it too.)

I'd also advise you to ignore the hateful ignorant comments posted on most islamic torrents on TPB posted by uneducated fuckwits who don't read, only troll.

Hope this helps, and best of luck with your studies.
GREAT!!! Thanks a heap!!!
Today's Internet is 80% pervert, troll and uneducated but still opinonated shlep. All in all, pretty much a joke so there's no sense in worrying about it. Therefore I just worry about using it as a tool for knowledge and of course finding my old TV shows. (And perhaps stumbling across the occaisional cool person such as you)

Learn how to use HTTrack, a web page sucker. There will be many websites that don't offer a PDF version of their learning materials; instead, they will use web pages. HTTrack will download web pages to your hard drive for offline viewing. So in case the site is down permanently, you can read your materials at your own leisure.

If you are learning Arabic or any other language, you will learn faster by speaking than just reading about how to speak. Expose yourself to the language by movies, TV shows, radio programmes, etc. That is how I got as far as I had with Mandarin Chinese (by default, I am a Cantonese speaker).

If you do get a real version of the Koran, maybe we can pool our resources. I am hoping to get a Koran too. If I manage to maybe get a couple of copies, I'll definitely share them with you.

Hope this helps and good luck.
(Dec 13, 2013, 21:56 pm)RobertX Wrote:,d.aWM

Learn how to use HTTrack, a web page sucker. There will be many websites that don't offer a PDF version of their learning materials; instead, they will use web pages. HTTrack will download web pages to your hard drive for offline viewing. So in case the site is down permanently, you can read your materials at your own leisure.

If you are learning Arabic or any other language, you will learn faster by speaking than just reading about how to speak. Expose yourself to the language by movies, TV shows, radio programmes, etc. That is how I got as far as I had with Mandarin Chinese (by default, I am a Cantonese speaker).

If you do get a real version of the Koran, maybe we can pool our resources. I am hoping to get a Koran too. If I manage to maybe get a couple of copies, I'll definitely share them with you.

Hope this helps and good luck.

I like to keep a healthy mix of sources when I do research. So I picked up an actual copy of the Qur'an from the library. So far it's been an interesting read!
I hope you're going to have time to read the entire Koran! Smile

EDIT: If you don't mind my asking, what is the purpose of your learning Arabic and studying Islam? I'm not exactly offended, but learning a new language can be daunting. Are you doing diplomatic work overseas?
(Dec 14, 2013, 05:11 am)RobertX Wrote: I hope you're going to have time to read the entire Koran! Smile

EDIT: If you don't mind my asking, what is the purpose of your learning Arabic and studying Islam? I'm not exactly offended, but learning a new language can be daunting. Are you doing diplomatic work overseas?

I'm lots of things but a diplomat isn't one of them. No, I'm just a geek expanding my horizons. It's nothing more complicated.

Oh and I'm about 1/2 finished the Qur'an. So far nothing I've read has made me transform into a blood craving psychopath. In fact it's pretty tame, straight foward and there's waaaaaay worse in the King James bible.
You must be a quick reader! I can hardly manage ten pages of a childrens' book.

Anyhow, what have you learned about Islam by reading the Koran?
(Dec 14, 2013, 19:20 pm)RobertX Wrote: You must be a quick reader! I can hardly manage ten pages of a childrens' book.

Anyhow, what have you learned about Islam by reading the Koran?

A cereal box is more difficult to read than the Qur'an.

What I've learned is how quick the ignorant masses are to believe in a boogeyman. I just finished the Qur'an this morning and honstly, I can't believe how many people honestly think that there's some sort of magic word or sentence in the Qur'an that's going to transform them into sword wielding camel jockeys.

So the truth be known, the ingrediants listed on the cereal box are more terrifying than anything written in the Qur'an. And I'm amazed that no one has taken extreme action against Kellogs corn flakes.
How big is the book?

And how fast do you read? Smile

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