Max Von Sydow Movies
I just watched The Seventh Seal, which is a black-and-white film and was impressed by the actor though the story was a little metaphoric and complicated.

Has there been any other movies that star Max Von Sydow that I should watch?
(Jul 02, 2023, 02:38 am)RobertX Wrote: I just watched The Seventh Seal, which is a black-and-white film and was impressed by the actor though the story was a little metaphoric and complicated.

Has there been any other movies that star Max Von Sydow that I should watch?

He's a well-known actor here in Sweden. I assume you've seen The Exorcist, as he's playing one of the priests in that. I accidentally watched a movie he's in recently, a Dario Argento-directed movie. Argento's movies are a weird kind of horror. They're 'so bad it's good' kind of movies, but the aesthetic / audio makes me think it's on purpose and the director actually knows what he's doing. I especially enjoy the visual aspect, as there's lots of vibrant colors and weird environments.

This was the one Max was in:

I looked at his IMDb page and gonna link some more movies he's in, some of which I've seen:
Thanks, I believe he passed away very recently, probably due to old age, but I know he's in recent ones like Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I saw The Exorcist, and can't look at a meal the same way for days. It's more gross than it's scary.

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