Jeffrey Epstein dead was it suicide ?
As far as the information is known for now, it is a suicide. It is also the simplest explanation [Occam's Razor]
(Aug 13, 2019, 21:50 pm)Headbanger Wrote: As far as the information is known for now, it is a suicide. It is also the simplest explanation [Occam's Razor]

True that.  Still, we can confidently expect the lunatic fringe on Faux Nooz and U Toob to be blaming the Clintons and/or George Soros for this for decades to come.
(Aug 14, 2019, 13:26 pm)CaptButler Wrote:
(Aug 13, 2019, 21:50 pm)Headbanger Wrote: As far as the information is known for now, it is a suicide. It is also the simplest explanation [Occam's Razor]

True that.  Still, we can confidently expect the lunatic fringe on Faux Nooz and U Toob to be blaming the Clintons and/or George Soros for this for decades to come.

And more too! There's also some fringe liberals out there claiming it was Trump attempting to silence Epstein and so on and such. And it seems to have drawn in more people than people than most normal partisan conspiracy B.S.; I've snoozed a good chunk of people on facebook because I got tired of hearing Epstein conspiracies.
(Aug 14, 2019, 17:36 pm)Headbanger Wrote:
(Aug 14, 2019, 13:26 pm)CaptButler Wrote:
(Aug 13, 2019, 21:50 pm)Headbanger Wrote: As far as the information is known for now, it is a suicide. It is also the simplest explanation [Occam's Razor]

True that.  Still, we can confidently expect the lunatic fringe on Faux Nooz and U Toob to be blaming the Clintons and/or George Soros for this for decades to come.

And more too! There's also some fringe liberals out there claiming it was Trump attempting to silence Epstein and so on and such. And it seems to have drawn in more people than people than most normal partisan conspiracy B.S.; I've snoozed a good chunk of people on facebook because I got tired of hearing Epstein conspiracies.

Fair point.  There's plenty of crazy to go around--particularly when an ubersleeze like Epstein breathes his last unobserved.
For those that didn't click the link, its basically a couple guys on Fox saying that, in their opinion, its unusual for a suicide watch to be that short, all without actually having the benefit to perform any kind of face to face risk analysis. Basically another round of circumstantial allusions.

For the people who think the suicide is strange, he attempted suicide previously. How strange is it for someone who is suicidal to commit suicide?

Here's an article from the AP that talks about some of the issues:

Quote:For all the talk from politicians and conspiracy theorists that Epstein should have remained under such scrutiny behind bars, prison experts say suicide watch is intended for only short periods because it puts too much stress on the staff and inmate alike.

“It’s just not humane to keep them on those restrictions indefinitely,” said Lindsay Hayes, a nationally recognized expert on inmate suicide prevention and a project director for the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives. “Many times, suicidal inmates will deny they’re suicidal so they can get their clothes and privileges back.”

Quote:Keeping the MCC’s inmates from killing themselves is complicated by staffing shortages so severe that correctional officers often work so many overtime shifts in a row that they don’t even go home, and employees who have other jobs in the jail are often pulled in to do the work of guards.

Of the two guards responsible for Epstein on the night of his suicide, one was working a fifth straight day of overtime and another was on mandatory overtime. Federal investigators are looking into whether the guards were sleeping on the job and falsified log entries to show they checked on inmates every half-hour as required.

Quote:Hayes said it is not unusual for inmates on suicide watch to be taken off after a few days, because the conditions are so oppressive. Often their clothes and bed linens are taken away, and they are issued heavy, rip- and fold-resistant smocks and blankets to reduce the risk of hanging.

Quote:Jack Donson, a retired treatment specialist who worked for the Bureau of Prisons for more than two decades, disputed any notion that Epstein was removed from suicide watch prematurely.

If anything, he said, Epstein spent more time on it than is typical: “It was really at least double what the agency policy suggests.”

Of course, one could simply buckle in the chin strap of their freshly polished tin foil hat and claim that the AP is working for the Clintons/Trump/Lizard People/whoever your conspiracy narrative bad guy is.
So he:

1. Bruised his neck with thumb prints on his first attempt.
2. Crammed a sock down his own throat so as to not annoy anyone while he hung himself
3. Hung himself from his bed by leaning forward, and also, broke two bones in his neck doing so.

It really is a typical suicide...
The answer to the question IMHO is I believe it was a suicide.

You can go into motivations and who else may or may have not been involved, but all that is irrelevant as it is only speculation.

I've been hearing a lot about the Clinton suicide/death machine and even saw a video of all the people that died that were involved with them. There was a lot. but again, you can't say for sure... Ya the Clintons are bad people, but if there is a true Illuminati, don't you think they'd be more careful... Maybe even set the Clintons to look like the fall people since they are already in doubt as their character? Lefts will blame Trump, Right will blame Clinton... Truth is it is the lizard people. The lizard people who throw more confusion in the mix of these real issues by drumming up fake concerns as a distraction... Like why the new Batman is a paraplegic transexual black guy.

the ONLY truth I know for a fact, is that I don't know all of it as to a possible why or how... but it does look like a suicide.
(Aug 15, 2019, 10:00 am)hypno-potamous Wrote: So he:

1. Bruised his neck with thumb prints on his first attempt.
2. Crammed a sock down his own throat so as to not annoy anyone while he hung himself
3.  Hung himself from his bed by leaning forward, and also, broke two bones in his neck doing so.

It really is a typical suicide...


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