Aug 25, 2015, 16:20 pm
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2015, 16:22 pm by Joker__TPB. Edited 1 time in total.)
I can't believe there isn't a thread on GoT here
But now that there is, let us discuss our thoughts.

But now that there is, let us discuss our thoughts.
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Spoiler What do you guys think what happened to Jon Snow?
I mean, I was only screaming/crying/yelling for 20 min after I saw the last episode.
Here is a excerpt of a article
"Speaking to Gold Derby, Game of Thrones Season 6 director (helming the first two after last season’s “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” and “Kill the Boy”), Podeswa kept predictably mum about Jon Snow’s ultimate fate, but at least offered that its “cliffhanger” wouldn’t disappoint. Whether “cliffhanger” itself implies that the audience doesn’t yet have the facts (HBO has, at length, insisted nothing more to know than “Jon Snow’s dead”), Podeswa said (Via Pajiba):"
And this...
"And while author George R.R. Martin himself has yet to reveal Jon Snow’s fate, Podeswa spoke to the challenge of adapting Martin’s unpublished material:"
Kit Harington, is also returning for season 6, so the only thing I'm thinking is
1. He becomes a white walker (bad ass)
2. idk magic shit
What do you guys think?
I mean, I was only screaming/crying/yelling for 20 min after I saw the last episode.
Here is a excerpt of a article
"Speaking to Gold Derby, Game of Thrones Season 6 director (helming the first two after last season’s “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” and “Kill the Boy”), Podeswa kept predictably mum about Jon Snow’s ultimate fate, but at least offered that its “cliffhanger” wouldn’t disappoint. Whether “cliffhanger” itself implies that the audience doesn’t yet have the facts (HBO has, at length, insisted nothing more to know than “Jon Snow’s dead”), Podeswa said (Via Pajiba):"
Quote:I have no comment whatsoever. I got nothing. I got nothing. Watch the show, it’s gonna be great. That’s all I can tell you … I think it’s the definition of a cliffhanger, you know, I think it’s — where does the story go from here? I think the audience is dying to know, and uh, I think that’s great. If there’s — there will be a huge anticipation for the beginning of Season 6, so that makes me very excited. I think it was kind of brilliant….but I got nothing to say about it.
And this...
"And while author George R.R. Martin himself has yet to reveal Jon Snow’s fate, Podeswa spoke to the challenge of adapting Martin’s unpublished material:"
Quote:Right now…what we’re shooting currently, it’s not based on anything in the book. It’s only based on discussions that the writers have had with George Martin, because…the series has now surpassed the books in terms of what’s available…I think this is going to be a very interesting season, because Season 6, the audience knows is the first time that there is no book that it’s based upon…it’ll be a sort of moot point in terms of divergences, because the entire thing is new.
And I think the audience is going to be very curious and very excited to see where the writers go, and in my opinion, they’ve done a brilliant job of extending the storyline, and taking it somewhere really exciting. Season 6 is really, really strong; the fans are going to love it. Um, but there is certainly going to be a huge amount of anticipation and question about what that’s going to mean.
Kit Harington, is also returning for season 6, so the only thing I'm thinking is
1. He becomes a white walker (bad ass)
2. idk magic shit
What do you guys think?