Filesick - Filesick2
Question what happened to Filesicks skull is he trusted a helper or what..
Is it just an error..?
(Sep 12, 2014, 14:08 pm)artinusa Wrote: Hi,
Question what happened to Filesicks skull is he trusted a helper or what..
Is it just an error..?

This is just a guess but one of his or her files could of contained malware
Who does or doesn't have a skull, and the reasons behind it, are not open for discussion.
(Sep 12, 2014, 14:08 pm)artinusa Wrote: Hi,
Question what happened to Filesicks skull is he trusted a helper or what..
Is it just an error..?

He is an uploader in good standing. Nothing more, nothing less.

(Sep 12, 2014, 20:40 pm)ShotChain Wrote: This is just a guess but one of his or her files could of contained malware

I hate people who make baseless accusations against innocent uploaders very nearly as much as I hate people who upload malware.

If you ever find FileSick has uploaded malware, report him, and we will ban him. Until you do, keep your bullshit theories to yourself.

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