ExtraTorrent’s Distribution Groups ettv and EtHD Keep Going
[Image: extratorrent.png]This week the torrent community entered a state of shock when another major torrent site closed its doors.

Having served torrents to the masses for over a decade, ExtraTorrent decided to throw in the towel, without providing any detail or an apparent motive.

ExtraTorrent operator SaM simply informed us that “it’s time we say goodbye.”

Now that a few days have passed the dust is slowly beginning to settle. Frequent ExtraTorrent users have started to flock to alternatives such as The Pirate Bay, Torrentz2 and RARBG, which have all noticed a clear uptick in users.

What has also become clear is that ExtraTorrent won’t have quit without leaving its mark. The site was home to several prominent uploaders and groups, and some feared that these would go down with the site. However, it looks like that won’t be the case for them all.

On Thursday, shortly after the site was closed, ExtraTorrent operator SaM said that the movie torrent distribution group ETRG would disappear, but that there was hope for others.

“Ettv and Ethd could remain operational if they get enough donations to sustain the expenses and if the people handling it [are] ready to keep going,” SaM said.

Indeed, both TV groups are keeping the ET spirit alive as dozens of fresh torrents have appeared over the past few days. While they’re no longer on ExtraTorrent, the accounts on The Pirate Bay remain very active, as can be seen below.

ettv’s recent releases
[Image: ettv.png]
Another well-known uploader, DDR, will continue to release torrents as well. TorrentFreak was informed that the uploader will use the ‘SaM’ accounts at The Pirate Bay and 1337x to continue his work.

And ExtraTorrent’s name lives on elsewhere too. The image hosting site Extraimage, which was regularly used by torrent uploaders to feature samples, is still up and running as well.

There is another major casualty of the ExtraTorrent closure though. TorrentFreak is informed that ET’s inhouse encoder FUM, known for regular high-quality TV releases, will stop.

Over the weeks we will see what the real impact of the surprise shutdown will be. A community was destroyed this week, and many uploaders lost their home, but as we’ve seen with KickassTorrents, Torrentz, and other sites before them, the torrent ecosystem isn’t easily disrupted.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
[Image: Torrentfreak?d=yIl2AUoC8zA][Image: Torrentfreak?i=4m0T79pzj6U:zOB6Ws7XmuY:D7DqB2pKExk]
[Image: 4m0T79pzj6U]

Originally Published: Fri, 19 May 2017 20:48:38 +0000
FUM, who was an Xvid encoder (i.e. had been in the game for a very long time) publicly announced at the beginning of the year that he would be retiring by June so he is not a "casualty of the closure".
But why spend the time digging for facts, Sid, when it's perfectly obvious to Torrent Freak that all file sharing is doomed, doomed, I tell you?
FUM announced retiring because of scene allowing shitty groups like FLEET to exist among other reasons
but now with the launch of our own new home site if things goes well FUM will return
(Oct 26, 2017, 16:42 pm)ettv Wrote: FUM announced retiring because of scene allowing shitty groups like FLEET to exist among other reasons
but now with the launch of our own new home site if things goes well FUM will return

Tell us of the return but nice to know you still stuck around.
how to contact you...cant get to send u PM here
there was a cache problem and fixed
(Oct 29, 2017, 09:39 am)ettv Wrote: how to contact you...cant get to send u PM here

you can send PMs here, just click on a users name to go to their profile
You can send messages from there under the Contact Details header

Its also under the user details in all posts
(Oct 29, 2017, 09:42 am)Keka_Umans Wrote:
(Oct 29, 2017, 09:39 am)ettv Wrote: how to contact you...cant get to send u PM here

you can send PMs here, just click on a users name to go to their profile
You can send messages from there under the Contact Details header

Its also under the user details in all posts

If and only if that doesn't work feel free to contact staff. Don't know maybe it is an account issue.
I really hope The Pirate Bay won't go poof too, I love this place. Long live the resilient torrent site
(Oct 29, 2017, 05:11 am)contrail Wrote:
(Oct 26, 2017, 16:42 pm)ettv Wrote: FUM announced retiring because of scene allowing shitty groups like FLEET to exist among other reasons
but now with the launch of our own new home site if things goes well FUM will return

Tell us of the return but nice to know you still stuck around.
FUM is doing only PACKs now
and we have PBS now doing some of the tv shows missed by others

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